Holland Taylor Instagram – O N W A R D

Holland Taylor Instagram - O N W A R D

Holland Taylor Instagram – O N W A R D | Posted on 02/Jan/2020 02:47:59

Holland Taylor Instagram – The other day- headed to work at dawn. 
Holland Taylor Instagram – From Union Station. 
Racing to New York now on the Acela. DC is getting to feel a lot like Rome (ancient) these days. The streets are paved with gold, the Senators and basically everyone with power there is better looking and certainly better tailored, the men, than any movie star. The grooming, the shoes, the 700$ hair trims, the cuff links, the brilliant smiles. Everyone at their best, on their best, in their best for RBG’s LBJ  award last night in the staggeringly opulent Library of Congress… and in this Capital… what in the Hell is going on??? A show-off emeritus making a loony case of innocence of any wrong doing and happily splashing around in the big puddle of Harvard’s embarrassment.  Will there ultimately be a mighty swing back to civility, the rule of law, the norms of demeanor, respect for office and duty when the next generation fully takes the reins that many people of color and women and young people are just beginning to grasp?

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