Home Actress Candace Owens HD Photos and Wallpapers August 2020 Candace Owens Instagram - This is Minnesota where black people are now looting and rioting to avenge the death of George Floyd. EXACTLY AS I PREDICTED AND WHY I TOLD YOU NOT TO TAKE THE MEDIA BAIT. No one—not a single solitary person defended or excused the death of George Floyd, so why is this rioting happening? Because that is what the media wanted. Because it’s what they have trained us to do since the mid 60’s, when they married us to the Democrat Party. The race riots of the late sixties should served as a lesson: when black Americans began looting, burning, and rioting in Detroit and Chicago, the white business owners abandoned those flourishing cities, plunging them into the poverty and crime-ridden hubs that we see today. When we riot, we harm NO ONE BUT OURSELVES. To all of you MORONS who couldn’t see this coming and did exactly what the left wanted you to do, drumming up the rhetoric with claims that blacks are constantly under threat and there is no way forward— just who exactly did you think you were helping when you said that? YOU DESTROYED BLACK LIVES. Now, as always, the result will be that black neighborhoods are decimated, black people are arrested, and black families are impoverished, while white liberal politicians will stump on our issues, pretending to be our shoulders to cry on. They will tell us it’s because of systemic oppression and we will believe it and repeat the same bullshit again, EVERY FOUR YEARS. The truth is that WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES. We allow our black youth to be programmed by a satanic media that tells them that they will never be anything, and life will never be fair so they MIGHT AS WELL lead lives of anger and crime. Our inability to THINK through emotional tragedies is our biggest curse, and the Democrat Party’s biggest blessing. But I’m a coon, right? Well I must be a coon with a crystal ball since I keep accurately predicting EXACTLY what will happen every election cycle. You want me to show some compassion? Why don’t you show some brain cells, and STOP allowing entire generations of our black youth to be ROTTED by the racist white liberals that own and operate the mainstream media. Why don’t you #BLEXIT

Candace Owens Instagram – This is Minnesota where black people are now looting and rioting to avenge the death of George Floyd. EXACTLY AS I PREDICTED AND WHY I TOLD YOU NOT TO TAKE THE MEDIA BAIT. No one—not a single solitary person defended or excused the death of George Floyd, so why is this rioting happening? Because that is what the media wanted. Because it’s what they have trained us to do since the mid 60’s, when they married us to the Democrat Party. The race riots of the late sixties should served as a lesson: when black Americans began looting, burning, and rioting in Detroit and Chicago, the white business owners abandoned those flourishing cities, plunging them into the poverty and crime-ridden hubs that we see today. When we riot, we harm NO ONE BUT OURSELVES. To all of you MORONS who couldn’t see this coming and did exactly what the left wanted you to do, drumming up the rhetoric with claims that blacks are constantly under threat and there is no way forward— just who exactly did you think you were helping when you said that? YOU DESTROYED BLACK LIVES. Now, as always, the result will be that black neighborhoods are decimated, black people are arrested, and black families are impoverished, while white liberal politicians will stump on our issues, pretending to be our shoulders to cry on. They will tell us it’s because of systemic oppression and we will believe it and repeat the same bullshit again, EVERY FOUR YEARS. The truth is that WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES. We allow our black youth to be programmed by a satanic media that tells them that they will never be anything, and life will never be fair so they MIGHT AS WELL lead lives of anger and crime. Our inability to THINK through emotional tragedies is our biggest curse, and the Democrat Party’s biggest blessing. But I’m a coon, right? Well I must be a coon with a crystal ball since I keep accurately predicting EXACTLY what will happen every election cycle. You want me to show some compassion? Why don’t you show some brain cells, and STOP allowing entire generations of our black youth to be ROTTED by the racist white liberals that own and operate the mainstream media. Why don’t you #BLEXIT

Candace Owens Instagram - This is Minnesota where black people are now looting and rioting to avenge the death of George Floyd. EXACTLY AS I PREDICTED AND WHY I TOLD YOU NOT TO TAKE THE MEDIA BAIT. No one—not a single solitary person defended or excused the death of George Floyd, so why is this rioting happening? Because that is what the media wanted. Because it’s what they have trained us to do since the mid 60’s, when they married us to the Democrat Party. The race riots of the late sixties should served as a lesson: when black Americans began looting, burning, and rioting in Detroit and Chicago, the white business owners abandoned those flourishing cities, plunging them into the poverty and crime-ridden hubs that we see today. When we riot, we harm NO ONE BUT OURSELVES. To all of you MORONS who couldn’t see this coming and did exactly what the left wanted you to do, drumming up the rhetoric with claims that blacks are constantly under threat and there is no way forward— just who exactly did you think you were helping when you said that? YOU DESTROYED BLACK LIVES. Now, as always, the result will be that black neighborhoods are decimated, black people are arrested, and black families are impoverished, while white liberal politicians will stump on our issues, pretending to be our shoulders to cry on. They will tell us it’s because of systemic oppression and we will believe it and repeat the same bullshit again, EVERY FOUR YEARS. The truth is that WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES. We allow our black youth to be programmed by a satanic media that tells them that they will never be anything, and life will never be fair so they MIGHT AS WELL lead lives of anger and crime. Our inability to THINK through emotional tragedies is our biggest curse, and the Democrat Party’s biggest blessing. But I’m a coon, right? Well I must be a coon with a crystal ball since I keep accurately predicting EXACTLY what will happen every election cycle. You want me to show some compassion? Why don’t you show some brain cells, and STOP allowing entire generations of our black youth to be ROTTED by the racist white liberals that own and operate the mainstream media. Why don’t you #BLEXIT

Candace Owens Instagram – This is Minnesota where black people are now looting and rioting to avenge the death of George Floyd.
No one—not a single solitary person defended or excused the death of George Floyd, so why is this rioting happening? Because that is what the media wanted. Because it’s what they have trained us to do since the mid 60’s, when they married us to the Democrat Party. The race riots of the late sixties should served as a lesson: when black Americans began looting, burning, and rioting in Detroit and Chicago, the white business owners abandoned those flourishing cities, plunging them into the poverty and crime-ridden hubs that we see today. When we riot, we harm NO ONE BUT OURSELVES. To all of you MORONS who couldn’t see this coming and did exactly what the left wanted you to do, drumming up the rhetoric with claims that blacks are constantly under threat and there is no way forward— just who exactly did you think you were helping when you said that? YOU DESTROYED BLACK LIVES. Now, as always, the result will be that black neighborhoods are decimated, black people are arrested, and black families are impoverished, while white liberal politicians will stump on our issues, pretending to be our shoulders to cry on. They will tell us it’s because of systemic oppression and we will believe it and repeat the same bullshit again, EVERY FOUR YEARS.
The truth is that WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES. We allow our black youth to be programmed by a satanic media that tells them that they will never be anything, and life will never be fair so they MIGHT AS WELL lead lives of anger and crime.
Our inability to THINK through emotional tragedies is our biggest curse, and the Democrat Party’s biggest blessing.
But I’m a coon, right? Well I must be a coon with a crystal ball since I keep accurately predicting EXACTLY what will happen every election cycle.
You want me to show some compassion? Why don’t you show some brain cells, and STOP allowing entire generations of our black youth to be ROTTED by the racist white liberals that own and operate the mainstream media.
Why don’t you #BLEXIT | Posted on 28/May/2020 09:16:36

Candace Owens Instagram – Only in an election year can America go from “10 times more deadly than the flu” tyranny, to nationwide anarchy in a matter of weeks. 
If millions of American don’t die from the rapid spread of the Covid-19 acquired during these riots, than it is time to admit that #coronavirus was an election ploy to depress our economy. 
The Democrats were willing to allow MILLIONS of Americans to lose their jobs in an effort to stunt our booming economy, and jam through their socialist agenda. 
The goal was to force millions of Americans into government dependency, so that their leftist politicians can offer hand-outs in returns for votes in November. 
Under Trump, too many Americans were coming off welfare, thereby decreasing the appeal of the Democrat’s election promises for more “free stuff”. Americans were becoming more hopeful, and families were becoming more independent. 
Then all of that magically stopped with forced shutdowns, all across America— led by Democrat governors who claimed it was necessary for “safety”. We knew the numbers never made any sense. 
These riots prove it was never about safety or social-distancing. It was about protecting the only means that the Democrats have to guarantee votes: creating slaves to government handouts. 
HOW CAN ANYONE VOTE DEMOCRAT EVER AGAIN? THESE PEOPLE ARE SATANIC, and there is no doubt in my mind that it is their anarchist groups (ANTIFA, BLM) that are being bussed into Minnesota to fan the chaos, while blaming it on black Americans that are upset over George Floyd.
Candace Owens Instagram – If you didn’t express outrage over what happened in Chicago but found yourself instead weighing in on 2 Karens in a park, you might be a victim of media brainwashing.

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