Home Actress Dani Kind HD Photos and Wallpapers October 2020 Dani Kind Instagram - Missing theatre and live performances that challenge and make me feel all things I might be too unaware to feel on my own. Art teaches me so much.

Dani Kind Instagram – Missing theatre and live performances that challenge and make me feel all things I might be too unaware to feel on my own. Art teaches me so much.

Dani Kind Instagram - Missing theatre and live performances that challenge and make me feel all things I might be too unaware to feel on my own. Art teaches me so much.

Dani Kind Instagram – Missing theatre and live performances that challenge and make me feel all things I might be too unaware to feel on my own. Art teaches me so much. | Posted on 10/Jul/2020 19:37:24

Dani Kind Instagram – #Repost @directedbykells with @make_repost
Just a friendly reminder (before the reminders become not so friendly) that your sets moving forward (union & indie) NEED to be diverse. There literally aren’t anymore excuses. 

Yesterday was my first day back on set after CoVid 19, my producer was a WOC (not Black). I asked about the diversity and she confirmed that it would be a diverse set. Beside her, myself and the PA that I hired noone else was BIPOC nor was there gender parity. My shock and disbelief turned to anger very quickly. No longer will this be happening, its sheer laziness and ignorance. This is fair warning I’ll start a system to start calling out these producers.

White supremacy effects everything and everyone, its roots are deep and wide. Take a good look at yourself, your actions and your surroundings. If your film network isn’t diverse, You Are The Problem!

Thanks for listening. Don’t be racist, Defund the Police and Make Ripples Where You Are.

#iactuallyhatetheworddiversity #iuseitforyourunderstanding #itsabuzzword #butyoushouldhiremoreblackppl #wellchangeyourlife #alsoarrestthekillersofbreonna #defundthepolice #directedbykells #makeripples #makerippleswhereyouare
Dani Kind Instagram – Joan Didion // “I want you to know, as you read me, precisely who I am and where I am and what is on my mind. I want you to understand exactly what you are getting: you are getting a woman who for some time now has felt radically separated from most of the ideas that seem to interest people. You are getting a woman who, somewhere along the line, misplaced whatever slight faith she ever had in the social contract…in the whole grand pattern of human endeavor.”

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