Melanie Vallejo

Melanie Vallejo Instagram – “The majority of Australia’s 50,000 practising professional artists and 600,000 creative industry workers will not be covered by stimulus measures announced to date, either because of their casual working arrangements, or because of their employers complex cash flows render them ineligible to access workers’ support on their behalf.” Don’t let freelancers (ARTISTS) fall through the cracks.

To all professionals in the film, television, entertainment and arts world, join the challenge to post a photo of you in your job. The goal is to flood social media with our profession.

Please follow the link in my bio to sign a 30 second email to your local MP and help save the Arts!
#scottmorrison @scottmorrisonmp #joshfrydenberg
#meaa @withmeaa
#createaustraliasfuture ***update – new link in bio to stay up to date via MEAA | Posted on 09/Apr/2020 08:55:05

Melanie Vallejo
Melanie Vallejo

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