Claudia Black

Claudia Black Instagram – Covid-19 began to tug on all of my undigested trauma. Sitting with the unpredictable waves of it all, I had an epiphany; our primitive, ancient nervous systems are not designed to combat *invisible* threat. My teachers started doing webinars about it. ā€œClients will start regressingā€¦anything unprocessed will be up right nowā€¦ The virus is an invisible threat and poses an existential one also. Any near death experiences theyā€™ve had, drownings, Intubations as babies etc. etc. all the developmental stuffā€¦ itā€™s all going to get triggered.ā€

My inner child tends to be most noisy when sheā€™s scared, lonely or having a great time. She started to chat.
ā€œWhen will someone hug me? Will we ever be touched again? What if Iā€™m scared going to bed at night?ā€ Yikes. I did not have great answers for her and she was not having a great time.

Weā€™ve all had our different constellations of people with whom to navigate small spaces or great distances during lock down. I have been in the -single mum recovering after an horrendous, traumatizing divorce juggling a total life crash, CPTSD, while broke in a four-job hustle and on my own-bubble of covid; with large doses of gratitude that I have in fact, been alone. Adult me considers it a great privilege. The paradox of PTSD is that is fragments, separates and isolates-kicks you out of the Queendom of Belonging -and yet it also needs a lot of space. A lot of quiet. I had done a lot of big girl work prior to Covid transmuting my loneliness into aloneness. I was once again enjoying my own company and able to admit without shame when I was feeling lonely. The acknowledgment itself would often shift the feeling. My experience would shift. And I would go back to the disciplined practice of my aloneness.

A few weeks into lock down, I came across a teddy bear in a drawer Iā€™d bought as an impulse-buy-bed-accessory for incoming guests in my airstream. It had seemed like a cute gesture; a way to support the illusion of a home away from home. When my inner little one saw it, she snatched it up and hugged this illusion of home hungrily. I smiled watching myself. Teddy was never going to be enjoyed by any guests. Teddy was now mine. Ours. Hers. 1/ | Posted on 23/Sep/2020 04:01:33

Claudia Black
Claudia Black

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