Daisy May Cooper Instagram – Part4

Daisy May Cooper Instagram - Part4

Daisy May Cooper Instagram – Part4 | Posted on 22/Mar/2021 15:50:04

Daisy May Cooper Instagram – Part 5
Daisy May Cooper Instagram – SHAG MARRY AVOID

Avoid: spice boys jamie, he blow dries his curtains aswell as his pubes, our date will consist of watching him play sonic on the Sega mega drive and listening to him boasting about how he many times he’s been on oblivion at alton towers. He also wears alien sunglasses which make his eyes look so close together you could mistake him for a cyclops. Biggest red flag is that he gets pissed on 2 lemon barcardi breezers. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Marry: baby face jamie, hes the childhood sweetheart. He’s in his first year at college studying sport science amd he’s just passed his driving test. you are still in your last year at secondary school, but he’ll still make sure he’s waiting in his Renault clio outside the school gates for you so you can show him off and snog infront all the immature dick boys in your year. Things fall apart however when you go to Bristol uni and fuck as many blokes in fresher week as possible because baby faced jamie has turned into such a drip, you start dreading him driving up to your campus to meet you at weekends with a sad bunch of interflora roses and a lasagne his mum made for you because she’s worried your not eating.

SHAG: Rugged jamie, he’ll navigate your body like the football field and he’ll score everytime. He’s matured, he knows what he wants and he can keep going and going. You’ll love to watch him wash his perky arse in the shower with some radox for men just after a steamy session and he’ll be fucking great at getting good dinner reservations but will give you the ick when he gets a fungal foot infection from wearing tan boating shoes with no socks. 


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