Kelly Overton

Kelly Overton Instagram – 9/11…for some reason this year is hitting me hard. This was my home, my city when we were attacked. That’s my husband on the left before I met him just months later…Judson volunteered at ground zero the day after the towers fell. He and a few other civilians went down to ground zero and converted a blown-out Burger King across the street from where the south tower stood into a makeshift food service for the first responders before FEMA or Red Cross were able to get there. He stayed there for 2 weeks serving the first responders hot coffee, burgers and snacks. These early days were before proper safety equipment arrived. After a week with no face masks they were given the protection you see in this photo. Years after, many first responders got cancer from breathing in the debris. Judson was no exception…4 years after 9/11, Judson was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. After removal of his thyroid and radiation he has since been cancer free thank God…his heroism and the sacrifice of others on that day is never lost on me. Today my thoughts and prayers are especially with the survivors of this terrible tragedy who are suffering from the long term physical effects of breathing in the air that day. 🙏🏼❤️ #neverforget | Posted on 12/Sep/2020 01:52:57

Kelly Overton
Kelly Overton

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