Oona Chaplin

Oona Chaplin Instagram – #Repost @aniwa.co with @make_repost
What is the Line 3 Fight? Enbridge is drilling under several rivers in northern MN this week to build a tar sands pipeline, including the upper Mississippi River crossing. Without political intervention, the crossings will likely be complete by early August, despite the resistance of people standing up for treaty rights, physically blocking equipments, and coming together in solidarity for support. Over 600 arrests have been made so far.

“This is happening now in the United States! Humans are being violated for simply stewarding their connection to earth and water. A militarized police force is violently violating treaties and criminalizing protecting the sacred. THE ROOT of many of societies illnesses is in the disconnection and disregard of the planet (earth, air, fire and water and all the beings in it),” Rudy Randa (co-founder of @aniwa.co and @theboafoundation).

Share this or donate to help out those protectors on the front lines.

We encourage everyone to write to MN senators @tinasmithmn and @amyklobuchar as well as driving out to protest.

Additionally follow @resist_line_3 for updates

PayPal (cap sensitive)
Venmo @stars_on_stone

Video @francisco.s.s for Indigenous Environmental Network | Posted on 29/Jul/2021 01:05:03

Oona Chaplin
Oona Chaplin

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