Oona Chaplin

Oona Chaplin Instagram – Join us 7/7 @ 4pm-8pm or a Hapè ceremony and talk  with Hushahu Yawanawa.

Hushahu will speak about the medicine of hape for about an hour and after we will open the space for questions. And then Hushahu will begin the ceremony of hape for those who can be with us in Sebastopol, Ca.

Join in person is $111.
(Sebastopol Ca.)

Join via zoom $111-$155

Please email direct to confirm your space. [email protected]

In the tradition of the Yawanawa, Rape is a medicine prepared from Tabacco leaves and the ash of a tree called Tsunu. It is a medicine that has been part of their culture for as long as they have been there. Today its use is very widespread and becoming more common, but only a handful of people understand this medicine like Hushahu. Many people are sharing rapé in a form that is disconnected from the healing traditions it comes from, without fully understanding it’s power and even turning it into something toxic.
Seeing all of this Hushahu felt to open her heart to share a bit about the study of rape in the Yawanawa tradition. She will share about its preparation and how work with it consciously, with respect and care.

Hushashu a force of nature, if you can make it please do! One of the best ways to support the Amazon rainforest is to learn about its cultures and medicines, its languages and ways, directly from the people who have grown with it for generations. And Hushahu is one of the most astounding teachers from the rainforest alive right now.

#rapé #indigenous #amazon #medicine #tobacco | Posted on 05/Jul/2021 09:14:22

Oona Chaplin
Oona Chaplin

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