Home Actress McKayla Maroney HD Photos and Wallpapers December 2021 McKayla Maroney Instagram - Don’t believe the hype baby

McKayla Maroney Instagram – Don’t believe the hype baby

McKayla Maroney Instagram - Don’t believe the hype baby

McKayla Maroney Instagram – Don’t believe the hype baby | Posted on 22/Dec/2021 10:05:50

McKayla Maroney Instagram – If it makes you happy, then it’s not a waste of time🤎🍁🍂✨
McKayla Maroney Instagram – December is the best time to reflect and process the year, and get our spirit and mindset ready for the next one 💭 I always find myself getting extra esoteric around this time, so proceed if you’re into that lol. If not, you have a blessed day friend 💚


The biggest thing I’ve been trying to cultivate over the last few months is being less affected by things I can’t control.  Sounds cliche, but imagine if you could master that… How much inner peace would follow?

What if you prioritized all your thoughts and energy to only focus on what you want out of life… and if things aren’t aligning, and they leave — Isn’t that how it should be? Does it really need to be sad?
I’m working on LESS reaction, and more acceptance, and surrender to Gods plan for me. 

Because If I’ve learned one thing, life is full of letting go — So what if we could do that gracefully every time?

Everything we have in this life is not coming with us when we die. Our career, our money, our clothes, our body, even our relationships.
They’re just things that hopefully make our experience here more enjoyable, and help us to cultivate deeper love, and meaning. Not tie us down!

So if all that we take with us is our soul… Why not invest in that? Invest in the eternal. 

Who YOU ARE, is more than what you do, or what you achieve.. and the RIGHT people will see you, and love you beyond what you can offer them — and the wrong people won’t… and that’s perfect too!

Realistically, there will be more wrong than right! Yet still, nothing is really ours forever. Only our soul, and our karma. 

So let us be strong enough in ourselves to face the people that love us superficially, and still choose to know we’re more than that… To me, self love is understanding that not everyone SHOULD love you — because without opposition, how could we ever grow?

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