Oona Chaplin

Oona Chaplin Instagram – If you hate the “other side”, then it is you who is hate-full. If you think you are better than those who voted differently, you are no better than they who think the same of you.
In these great times of change and challenge, if we lose compassion we lose our soul. If we fight, we become that which we wish to destroy.
I have been increasingly disappointed with the bile and vitriol coming from people in my circles, people I have seen more or less eye to eye with for decades. People who get red in the face when they start ranting about the “other side” while wearing t-shirts with tolerance slogans. I have even found it difficult to have conversations with my own family. It’s been really hard.
Don’t misunderstand me, I feel sacred outrage. I feel rage. I feel it everyday. Love is fierce, and we have had enough of psychopaths lying to us from their seats of power. On all sides. We have had enough of this sick, sick system that poisons us for profit. We have had enough of all injustice, of brutality, of the twisted power games in all their manifestations. We are not having it anymore.
But as soon as we start fighting each other, we lose.
The media is bombarding us with predictions of riots, civil war, violence and chaos. Let’s not fall for their provocations. And they should be ashamed about stoking the fires of hate.
But if it’s headlines they are after, lets surprise the world with peace. Let’s each of us take FULL personal responsibility in creating the world we inhabit.
I chose Christ’s words not because I am a Christian, but because there is deep wisdom here for all of us.
If you feel hate, it is you who is hate-full.
#togetherwerise #dontbitethebait #chessnotcheckers #election #responsibility #sacred #peace #onetribe #oneplanet #onelove #SOVEREIGNTY | Posted on 03/Nov/2020 03:16:00

Oona Chaplin
Oona Chaplin

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