Home Actress Holland Taylor HD Photos and Wallpapers April 2022 Holland Taylor Instagram - The Kennedy Center Ushers for the Eisenhower Theatre, specifically the Thursday night gang, were a wonderful group who responded so incredibly to ANN during our previews there, speaking their mind to my director Ben Klein, that I became determined to continue to hear from them. The ushers generally had no access to the innards of the artist’s side of the theatre or the fabled Green room, which was a huge chandelier and couch filled haven where the great and garden variety folks came after the performance. I pled the case with KC management that, since I was the only performer, I felt they should allow the ushers to visit after the show along with other friends if I wanted that. So, permission was granted, and for the first time, the “Redcoats,” as I called them, started appearing after the show — three one night, eight another — during the month ANN played there. Our last Saturday night happened to be my birthday, and the gang just floored me by arranging on their own for champagne and a birthday cake to celebrate, and ALL of them (a big group of about 30), it seemed, in attendance. I never will forget it. But nothing prepared me for the night on Broadway, more than a year later, when about 35 of them appeared IN THEIR Kennedy Center REDCOATS at a performance of “their” ANN at Lincoln Center. They had come up to NYC in a caravan of buses, trains, cars, and airplanes. They made an adventure of it and I consider it the greatest honor I’ve ever been given. They were rewarded, too, in a way — at the performance they attended were also President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton, Meryl Streep, Gabby Giffords, and Mark Kelly. Quite a night!

Holland Taylor Instagram – The Kennedy Center Ushers for the Eisenhower Theatre, specifically the Thursday night gang, were a wonderful group who responded so incredibly to ANN during our previews there, speaking their mind to my director Ben Klein, that I became determined to continue to hear from them. The ushers generally had no access to the innards of the artist’s side of the theatre or the fabled Green room, which was a huge chandelier and couch filled haven where the great and garden variety folks came after the performance. I pled the case with KC management that, since I was the only performer, I felt they should allow the ushers to visit after the show along with other friends if I wanted that. So, permission was granted, and for the first time, the “Redcoats,” as I called them, started appearing after the show — three one night, eight another — during the month ANN played there. Our last Saturday night happened to be my birthday, and the gang just floored me by arranging on their own for champagne and a birthday cake to celebrate, and ALL of them (a big group of about 30), it seemed, in attendance. I never will forget it. But nothing prepared me for the night on Broadway, more than a year later, when about 35 of them appeared IN THEIR Kennedy Center REDCOATS at a performance of “their” ANN at Lincoln Center. They had come up to NYC in a caravan of buses, trains, cars, and airplanes. They made an adventure of it and I consider it the greatest honor I’ve ever been given. They were rewarded, too, in a way — at the performance they attended were also President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton, Meryl Streep, Gabby Giffords, and Mark Kelly. Quite a night!

Holland Taylor Instagram - The Kennedy Center Ushers for the Eisenhower Theatre, specifically the Thursday night gang, were a wonderful group who responded so incredibly to ANN during our previews there, speaking their mind to my director Ben Klein, that I became determined to continue to hear from them. The ushers generally had no access to the innards of the artist’s side of the theatre or the fabled Green room, which was a huge chandelier and couch filled haven where the great and garden variety folks came after the performance. I pled the case with KC management that, since I was the only performer, I felt they should allow the ushers to visit after the show along with other friends if I wanted that. So, permission was granted, and for the first time, the “Redcoats,” as I called them, started appearing after the show — three one night, eight another — during the month ANN played there. Our last Saturday night happened to be my birthday, and the gang just floored me by arranging on their own for champagne and a birthday cake to celebrate, and ALL of them (a big group of about 30), it seemed, in attendance. I never will forget it. But nothing prepared me for the night on Broadway, more than a year later, when about 35 of them appeared IN THEIR Kennedy Center REDCOATS at a performance of “their” ANN at Lincoln Center. They had come up to NYC in a caravan of buses, trains, cars, and airplanes. They made an adventure of it and I consider it the greatest honor I’ve ever been given. They were rewarded, too, in a way — at the performance they attended were also President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton, Meryl Streep, Gabby Giffords, and Mark Kelly. Quite a night!

Holland Taylor Instagram – The Kennedy Center Ushers for the Eisenhower Theatre, specifically the Thursday night gang, were a wonderful group who responded so incredibly to ANN during our previews there, speaking their mind to my director Ben Klein, that I became determined to continue to hear from them.

The ushers generally had no access to the innards of the artist’s side of the theatre or the fabled Green room, which was a huge chandelier and couch filled haven where the great and garden variety folks came after the performance. I pled the case with KC management that, since I was the only performer, I felt they should allow the ushers to visit after the show along with other friends if I wanted that. So, permission was granted, and for the first time, the “Redcoats,” as I called them, started appearing after the show — three one night, eight another — during the month ANN played there. Our last Saturday night happened to be my birthday, and the gang just floored me by arranging on their own for champagne and a birthday cake to celebrate, and ALL of them (a big group of about 30), it seemed, in attendance. I never will forget it.

But nothing prepared me for the night on Broadway, more than a year later, when about 35 of them appeared IN THEIR Kennedy Center REDCOATS at a performance of “their” ANN at Lincoln Center. They had come up to NYC in a caravan of buses, trains, cars, and airplanes. They made an adventure of it and I consider it the greatest honor I’ve ever been given. They were rewarded, too, in a way — at the performance they attended were also President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton, Meryl Streep, Gabby Giffords, and Mark Kelly. Quite a night! | Posted on 21/Apr/2022 06:28:54

Holland Taylor Instagram – Barbara Jordan and Henry Cisneros announce their endorsement of the candidacy of Secy. of the Treasury Ann Richards, for Governor of Texas. Magisterial Barbara Jordan, in this one case, departed from her usual position of staying well out of politics and not endorsing any candidate. Her feelings about Ann Richards as a leader were very strong, and they became close friends. Barbara was the Chair of Ann’s campaign, and would then serve the governor as her ethics advisor, often giving seminars on ethics within the administration. (This marvelous photograph was taken by Ave Bonar, who was Ann’s official photographer. She also served in that role for the history of the play ANN, and its journey through Texas, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Broadway, and back home to Austin.)
Holland Taylor Instagram – Hillary arranged the whole night. Having seen it in DC, she knew. They brought Meryl and Don. Meryl told me, he kept saying, this is all so true to her, so accurate. “He just roared at the Arkansas joke…”

They were so interested in the process.

I didn’t know they were coming, as Kevin really protects me from distraction. He greeted me as I stepped off the stage and said, “Don’t kick your shoes off, you’re coming with me,” and swept me into the back corridors of Lincoln Center until we finally arrived at a door opening into large reception room with the Clintons, Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly and… MERYL STREEP! I was speechless, but not for long.

The President was still teary-eyed and Hillary just beamed at the surprise event she had made. Meryl seemed genuinely excited and told me how the President kept nudging her and saying. “This is so accurate!” and guffawed at the Arkansas joke.

I was so thrilled to talk with them all as they seemed avidly interested in the whole process of making the show. It was wonderful to look into Gabby Giffords’s eyes and see the sparkling perfect presence there, and to meet astronaut Mark Kelly, whom I now support politically, of course. These pictures were all snapped on my phone by my dresser Barry Doss, but they had the great photog Brigitte Lacombe at that event for official coverage, so I sometimes see her shots still out there.

What a night. The reception was long, and as Kevin led me out, he said, ”You have a few more people here…” and lo and behold, all the Kennedy Center ushers awaited in their own reception area! What an unbelievable night!!! And yep, of course, I had a matinée the next morning…

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