Melanie Vallejo

Melanie Vallejo Instagram – My beautiful mum Anna passed away last November. She was 69.

I am utterly devastated and also… ok.

Mostly I’m fine because my brain accepts that death is a natural and essential part of life. At some point we all say goodbye to our parents -we just hope it’s not too soon.

But my heart, oh my poor heart, physically aches when I think about living my life without her in it.
I miss her. I miss her laugh. I miss her hugs.
She was the strongest, coolest, most brilliant woman I’d ever met. I loved her (obviously) but I also really, really, really liked her. Like, if she wasn’t my mum I’d totally want to hang out with her and be mates. She was the only person in the whole wide world I genuinely enjoyed talking to on the telephone. Which is lucky because living in different countries during the COVID lockdown years, FaceTime was our best friend. We talked every single day. Chatting about everything and nothing. Sharing secrets, laughing til we cried.

Six months on I thought by now I’d have the words to express my grief.. but… it’s still too soon and the hole she has left in my heart is too big. And that’s okay.

Grief is a strange beast but I’m learning to make friends with it.

So for today I’ll remember her and thank her for making me the woman I am.

Thank you Mama, I love you.

And I’m sending love to all of you out there who find today tricky.
Find someone to give you a good cuddle. If you see me, I’ll happily give you one xx | Posted on 08/May/2022 03:51:09

Melanie Vallejo

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