Tiffany Panhilason

Tiffany Panhilason Instagram – Dear women of the world…⁣
Let me tell you of the great powers resting there in your hips.⁣
On your breasts.⁣
In the fibres that twist and twine within your flesh.⁣
Of the greatness you possess in which you may need to be reminded of.⁣

Beyond the idea that your external beauty holds great value and importance…⁣
lives something far more wondrously wild and uniquely yours.⁣
A beauty of no standard…⁣
just your raw and unfettered self.⁣
Beyond the idea that your appearance is aquatinted with your worth…⁣
thrives a tremendous depth.⁣

Let me remind you of your softness…⁣
your abilities to heal…⁣
to transform…⁣
to nurture the world around you.⁣
Let me remind you of the natural gifts that come packaged along side you…⁣
when you were born into this world.⁣

Let me remind you that your gifts of feeling empathy and love…⁣
are not weaknesses to severe yourself from.⁣
They are not wasted on you.⁣
They are not something to run from…⁣
to feel ashamed of or to stifle.⁣
So much of being Woman means to be fierce feelers.❤️‍🔥⁣
To see the way you so naturally do.⁣
To feel and touch and nurture the life that is both conceived in your womb and swimming around you.⁣

Dear women of this world,⁣
If I could tell you one thing you must somehow learn to remember…⁣
It’s that your sensitivities were meant to be used for greatness.⁣
To feed and nurture the world into proper order.⁣
The softness you possess was meant to be taught…⁣

Dear women of this world,⁣
If there was one thing I could urge you to purse…⁣
It would be to reconnect with your most untamed version of you.⁣ 🦅🐆🐬
Who looks not into the mirror to find her power…⁣
But travels into the unchartered waters that thrash around her and brings peace and tenderness on her back.⁣
I want to remind you of the vastness of your being…⁣
before we got lost in the small box of what we’ve been taught as women.⁣
Before we were told to stop crying so often.⁣
To toughen our skins.⁣
To be hard.⁣
Before we were distracted into thinking the roundness of our eyes…⁣
and the plumpness of our lips…⁣
somehow held value and importance.⁣
Before we forgot that we are the portals of life for great reason. 🌀🌹🪶

CONTINUED 👇🏽… | Posted on 27/Aug/2022 01:25:51

Tiffany Panhilason
Tiffany Panhilason

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