Claire Cooper

Claire Cooper Instagram – Boy or Girl? What do you reckon? 💙💗

I’m much bigger this time round & lower, but I also started to show week 3! It was crazy, my body new exactly what was happening more so than I did 🤍

32 weeks & feeling this little one in full swing, extremely active & even Ocean is amazed when he places his hand on my tummy & feels the ripples & kicks of his little sibling🤍

I’m of course suitably exhausted, first time round pregnancy it’s hard Bcos your body has never done it before & you really really feel those changes – second time round with a toddler in the mix & husband away = zero rest it’s a whole other thing! ppl keep saying you should rest – I hope you’re getting rest … mmhhh I’d love to! But cest la vie!

Soaking all this up, the closest I’ll physically ever be to this little one growing inside of me 🤍 so so grateful

Wearing @natalactive @mumandme_app

#pregnancy #pregnantbelly #preggers #growingababy #32weekspregnant | Posted on 11/Sep/2022 01:13:25

Claire Cooper
Claire Cooper

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