Claire Cooper

Claire Cooper Instagram – I’m winging it


People often ask me privately how I juggle Motherhood, pregnancy, acting @omandahlondon @thedoughnutwhispereruk here’s your answer: I don’t! I try … but I have good & bad days & many a time I’ve been on the phone to loved ones in tears … then the next day I get up & graft …

Right now I’ve been through an almighty purge – heaviness that has weighed me down for some time is now lighter, I’ve been very insular ( my close friends know I do this, I find it easier to work through day to day) & then I emerge.

But for those that have asked me … I wish I was better at juggling the magnitude of life & work but I’m not I’m no better than the next … and being kind to yourself & honest is probably the best advice, I hate being hard on myself it’s such an unkind way to be when your body & mind is giving you so much.

Everyday is a massive lesson 🤍

#worklifebalance #wingingit | Posted on 04/Sep/2022 01:49:01

Claire Cooper
Claire Cooper

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