Home Actress Gloria Steinem HD Photos and Wallpapers October 2022 Gloria Steinem Instagram - In Wisconsin, Republican lawmakers have met a new surge of COVID19 cases with denial, inaction, and disregard for their constituents. Since the pandemic began, the Republican state legislature has neglected and cast into doubt proper protections while voting to make it more difficult for essential workers to receive worker’s compensation. This ignorance and mismanagement is an issue of life or death - an issue that extends to racial justice, to healthcare and education, to the earth, the water, and the air. If you live in Wisconsin, you deserve more. You deserve representatives with a clear sense of duty. The candidates below are already fighting for you. All you need to do is to check your registration and VOTE. @Siegrist4WI (TW and FB) - A nurse, veteran, teacher, and mother passionate about supporting fellow veterans, investing in climate solutions, and ensuring all children have access to quality public education.   @robynvining - A legislator, entrepreneur, and mother fighting to protect survivors of sexual assault, champion small businesses, and support frontline workers and working families affected by the pandemic.  @senschachtner - An incumbent state senator serving on the front lines of the pandemic as St. Croix County's medical examiner, supporting public schools, and advocating for victims of sexual and domestic violence. @jhansen9 - A Wisconsin native and community leader focused on reforming healthcare, supporting family farms, and holding the perpetrators of PFAS pollution and contamination accountable. @sarahforassembly - An attorney running to ensure all Wisconsinites have access to clean drinking water, mental and addiction healthcare, and consistent and affordable internet service.

Gloria Steinem Instagram – In Wisconsin, Republican lawmakers have met a new surge of COVID19 cases with denial, inaction, and disregard for their constituents. Since the pandemic began, the Republican state legislature has neglected and cast into doubt proper protections while voting to make it more difficult for essential workers to receive worker’s compensation. This ignorance and mismanagement is an issue of life or death – an issue that extends to racial justice, to healthcare and education, to the earth, the water, and the air. If you live in Wisconsin, you deserve more. You deserve representatives with a clear sense of duty. The candidates below are already fighting for you. All you need to do is to check your registration and VOTE. @Siegrist4WI (TW and FB) – A nurse, veteran, teacher, and mother passionate about supporting fellow veterans, investing in climate solutions, and ensuring all children have access to quality public education.   @robynvining – A legislator, entrepreneur, and mother fighting to protect survivors of sexual assault, champion small businesses, and support frontline workers and working families affected by the pandemic.  @senschachtner – An incumbent state senator serving on the front lines of the pandemic as St. Croix County’s medical examiner, supporting public schools, and advocating for victims of sexual and domestic violence. @jhansen9 – A Wisconsin native and community leader focused on reforming healthcare, supporting family farms, and holding the perpetrators of PFAS pollution and contamination accountable. @sarahforassembly – An attorney running to ensure all Wisconsinites have access to clean drinking water, mental and addiction healthcare, and consistent and affordable internet service.

Gloria Steinem Instagram - In Wisconsin, Republican lawmakers have met a new surge of COVID19 cases with denial, inaction, and disregard for their constituents. Since the pandemic began, the Republican state legislature has neglected and cast into doubt proper protections while voting to make it more difficult for essential workers to receive worker’s compensation. This ignorance and mismanagement is an issue of life or death - an issue that extends to racial justice, to healthcare and education, to the earth, the water, and the air. If you live in Wisconsin, you deserve more. You deserve representatives with a clear sense of duty. The candidates below are already fighting for you. All you need to do is to check your registration and VOTE. @Siegrist4WI (TW and FB) - A nurse, veteran, teacher, and mother passionate about supporting fellow veterans, investing in climate solutions, and ensuring all children have access to quality public education.   @robynvining - A legislator, entrepreneur, and mother fighting to protect survivors of sexual assault, champion small businesses, and support frontline workers and working families affected by the pandemic.  @senschachtner - An incumbent state senator serving on the front lines of the pandemic as St. Croix County's medical examiner, supporting public schools, and advocating for victims of sexual and domestic violence. @jhansen9 - A Wisconsin native and community leader focused on reforming healthcare, supporting family farms, and holding the perpetrators of PFAS pollution and contamination accountable. @sarahforassembly - An attorney running to ensure all Wisconsinites have access to clean drinking water, mental and addiction healthcare, and consistent and affordable internet service.

Gloria Steinem Instagram – In Wisconsin, Republican lawmakers have met a new surge of COVID19 cases with denial, inaction, and disregard for their constituents. Since the pandemic began, the Republican state legislature has neglected and cast into doubt proper protections while voting to make it more difficult for essential workers to receive worker’s compensation.

This ignorance and mismanagement is an issue of life or death – an issue that extends to racial justice, to healthcare and education, to the earth, the water, and the air.

If you live in Wisconsin, you deserve more. You deserve representatives with a clear sense of duty. The candidates below are already fighting for you. All you need to do is to check your registration and VOTE.

@Siegrist4WI (TW and FB) – A nurse, veteran, teacher, and mother passionate about supporting fellow veterans, investing in climate solutions, and ensuring all children have access to quality public education.  

@robynvining – A legislator, entrepreneur, and mother fighting to protect survivors of sexual assault, champion small businesses, and support frontline workers and working families affected by the pandemic. 

@senschachtner – An incumbent state senator serving on the front lines of the pandemic as St. Croix County’s medical examiner, supporting public schools, and advocating for victims of sexual and domestic violence.

@jhansen9 – A Wisconsin native and community leader focused on reforming healthcare, supporting family farms, and holding the perpetrators of PFAS pollution and contamination accountable.

@sarahforassembly – An attorney running to ensure all Wisconsinites have access to clean drinking water, mental and addiction healthcare, and consistent and affordable internet service. | Posted on 30/Sep/2020 02:28:07

Gloria Steinem Instagram – My memories of Ohio lead me back, not just to my childhood, but also to the Adena and Hopewell mounds – Native wisdom reflected in the landscape. The indigenous and original cultures of this land teach us that there was a time that the paradigm of human organization had been a circle, not a hierarchy. 

This idea – that we are linked, not ranked – remains at the core of true democracy. We simply need to remember. My fellow Ohioans, I encourage you to remember when you vote. Look for the candidates who dedicate themselves to the good of all people and link us together in our power. 

@desireetims – an accomplished legislative staffer advocating for accessible healthcare – including safe and legal abortion – and working to implement universal preschool and protections for working families.

@leronda_jackson – a business owner and social justice advocate fighting for affordable healthcare, women’s rights, and environmental protections and clean energy incentives. 

@ohiohouseoneill – an environmental lawyer advocating for police reform, a living wage, and clean water.

@jarrellsforus (Facebook) – a Cleveland native and former Ohio Legislative Service Commission Fellow fighting to tackle homelessness, increase the minimum wage, and expand early childhood education opportunities.

@crystallett2020 – a fierce proponent of pay equity, affordable health and child care, and common sense gun safety legislation.
Gloria Steinem Instagram – Mainers, now is the time to make your voices heard. When you vote, you are speaking up for your family, your community, and your planet. You are sending a message that when a politician prioritizes political interest over the pain and rights of women – as Susan Collins did in 2018 when she cast her decisive vote supporting Kavanaugh’s confirmation – there are consequences. 

As you head to the polls, raise your voice for the candidates below. They will do the same for you.

@hessformaine – a public health official dedicated to making sure people get the medical care they need and protecting Maine’s environment.

@DebEmeryforStateRep (Facebook) – a retired teacher and school administrator focused on supporting schools, small businesses, and seniors. 

@chloe.maxmin – a representative (Maine Council on Aging Legislator of the Year) fighting to ensure Broadband and quality education for all.

@lillielavado147 – a Union member and small business owner working to bolster indigenous and tribal rights and increase access to healthcare for rural residents.

@stacyforsenate – a farmer and nurse working to expand access to affordable childcare, support working mothers, and preserve Maine’s land.

@saragideonme – Speaker of the Maine House, running to defeat Susan Collins, protect Maine’s natural resources, address the opioid crisis, expand quality education, and advocate for the rights of women, seniors, and veterans.

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