Tamara Tunie

Tamara Tunie Instagram – My heart is broken for Pittsburgh and STEELER NATION. FRANCO WAS THE BEST.

I met Franco as a teen when he made his singing debut at the legendary HOLIDAY HOUSE in Monroeville. My older sister had a HUGE crush on Franco, so we had to go! After the show, we waited around for an autograph. He was gracious and kind. A few years later, another sister married former Steeler, Greg Hawthorne, and became friendly with Franco’s wife Dana. So we’d go to the games and sit with the Steeler Wives, and after head to the locker room. Franco was always gracious and kind.

Cut to YEARS LATER, and I am producing my second Broadway show, August Wilson’s RADIO GOLF, and was raising funds for the production. I went to Pittsburgh for support, reached out to Franco, and without hesitation he became an investor, knowing that a Broadway play was no sure thing!

But that is who he was: kind, supportive, generous and giving. He truly cared about others.

In September, I invited Franco and Dana to be my guests at the CITY THEATRE COMPANY’S “BASH”. He tried to move his schedule around but alas he could not make it. It would have been great to be able to give a little back to him.

A tremendous loss for the Pittsburgh Community, STEELER NATION and me, personally. #ripfrancoharris🙏🏾🏈 #steelersnation | Posted on 22/Dec/2022 08:32:35

Tamara Tunie
Tamara Tunie

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