Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard Instagram – Today I released the interim report of The Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care in South Australia.

In recent months, the Commission has heard from expert witnesses, key stakeholders, and South Australian parents about the importance of quality, fairness and accessibility of early childhood education and care services. I am grateful for all the insights shared.

The Interim Report details the Commission’s vision for the future of preschool and outlines a pathway for the delivery of preschool for all South Australian 3-year-olds, with roll out beginning from 2026.

This is an exciting opportunity for South Australia to lead the world and transform early years services for our state’s children.

There is still time to have your say on the 33 recommendations in the Interim Report and the work of the Royal Commission overall, which can be submitted via the Royal Commission website until 19 May 2023.

Inquiries continue into workforce supply, how to ensure universal availability of Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) and the role of early childhood education and care in supporting children in their first 1000 days, for inclusion in the Royal Commission’s Final Report.

The final report is due to be released in August.

You can find a copy of the Interim Report, and provide feedback via the link to the Royal Commission in my bio. | Posted on 17/Apr/2023 15:45:12

Julia Gillard
Julia Gillard

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