Katarina Čas

Katarina Čas Instagram – After exactly two years, it’s a wrap on #JaChef for me. 🎬🍾🎉❤️ (already shot episodes are still due to come)
This was the longest time I have ever spent on filming a project and it was a blast. A lot of work and stress but also a lot of fun and love. ❤️❤️ Thanks to the amazing team!!!
Ekipa Chefa je bila kot moja druga familija. Hvala vsem. Od igralske zasedbe, do vseh v maski in kostumu, pa snemalci, dop-ji, reziserja, sound ljudje, focus pulerji, producenti, scenografi, kuharji, asistenti, montazerji, postprodukcija…U rock🚀 | Posted on 06/Mar/2023 01:14:46

Katarina Čas
Katarina Čas

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