Michelle Kim McCoy

Michelle Kim McCoy Instagram – First kid-free vacation since having Deacon and one thing I realized is that there is no amount of geographical distance or room service that can shut my brain off from all the things so instead of fighting off the barrage of thoughts, I invited Jesus into them. I invited him into the messy mental space and let me tell you, my soul is actually rested as a result of daily scripture reading, constant prayer and regular sharing of what God is teaching us with our travel buddies.

Getting away to retreat and relax is so necessary for holistic health against workaholism and in creating regular rhythms to invest in marriage and family but can leave you feeling the way you started since you have to “go back to reality” with full inboxes of unread emails, needy children, loads of laundry, back to back meetings…all ready to pounce upon your arrival.

But the great news is that Jesus is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. The same God who saved me from a mental breakdown by the Mexican Riviera is fully accessible at home while doing the dishes or self-taping an audition. What a relief (to my bank account) to know that I don’t need to wait until my next vacation to feel soul rest again since true rest comes from Jesus. In fact, this might be one of the first times I don’t dread going home after an amazing vacation because it turns out that our hope doesn’t lie in all-inclusive resorts but in Christ alone. | Posted on 17/Jul/2021 19:30:12

Michelle Kim McCoy
Michelle Kim McCoy

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