Charlotte Kemp Muhl

Charlotte Kemp Muhl Instagram – On my walk through the forest today (trying to retrain my eyes to be less nearsighted) I had a silly little realization about consciousness mechanics.
I could focus my retina lens on one tree in front of me, but then shift my *mind’s eye* to focus on different objects in my peripheral vision without moving my line of sight. I would practice staring at a mossy rock, while focusing my attention to shift between other ferns and objects in frame. (Kind of like those hacker movies that zoom in on a part of an image.)
Even though we do this daily without giving it a second thought, it suddenly struck me as being so cool that we do indeed have a third eye! (Or Ajna as the Hindu mystics call it) 👁️✨

2 gelatinous orbs, plus the neural pinhole of our discreet mental spy lens. Talk about Camera Obscura.

Since the ghost of the independent mechanism exists, I wonder if we could therefore mod ourselves to have an *extra* eyeball on the back of our head or tiny camera sensors wired into our visual centers and attached to our hands that we could learn to control for total panoramic psychedelic sensory vision?
Think Pan’s Labyrinth meets Neil Harbisson 😂
(He has an antenna implant for hearing color, so similar interfaces are possible.)

And why stop there? We should all have at least 3 clits, 3 ears and 33 fingers. Oh. You only hear in STEREO? How 21st century of you. *flicks ponytail aside to reveal multiple earholes on back of neck, triggering your trypophobia* | Posted on 17/Jul/2023 04:59:39

Charlotte Kemp Muhl
Charlotte Kemp Muhl

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