Brenda Strong

Brenda Strong Instagram – Every Tuesday I am celebrating actors I love!
Today I am spotlighting Brenda Strong, an actress whose work I have loved for many years. From DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES to DALLAS to 13 REASONS WHY, Brenda is the type of actress you can always count on to deliver. Yet she keeps surprising me. Her role as “Nadine” in the Hulu series UNPRISONED this year showed a side of her that felt new and exciting. And I am thrilled to see her move into directing as well (hopefully there will be more of that to come)!

Now Brenda shares some tips with you:

1 – EVERYTHING is FOR you. Even the difficulty. ESPECIALLY the difficulty. It’s all a gift.  Bring ALL of yourself with you. Mike Nichols used to say “bring in your day” meaning- what ever is real and present will only make your work more interesting, your character more complex, and your catharsis relatable, because it’s real. My father used to say you don’t get “good steel out of a cold fire.” Let every experience teach you something about this thing called being human.  I believe if it’s in your life, it’s there for a reason; receive it, trust it, use it, then release it. Everything serves. If the job is yours, it will be yours. There is no other YOU. You may do excellent work and still NOT get the role. Do your work no matter what. Have faith in the face of no evidence. You never know the timing of your life. Talent is only one component to success. Your mental attitude can make or break you. 

2 – LEAD AN INTERESTING LIFE – Don’t wait. ACT.  Acting is only as interesting as your life. Be curious. The more interesting experiences you can have in life, the more you invest in understanding yourself, the more you can bring to your work. Be interested in people, new places, experiences.  An acting career is not a sprint, but a marathon.  It’s not about getting a job, but creating a body of work. Keep the good people you find along the way.  Find something besides acting that keeps you engaged in self awareness and growth, being creative, the more you know yourself, the more you will understand your characters. 

Brenda has more great insights to share. KEEP READING IN THE COMMENTS SECTION BELOW! | Posted on 06/Jun/2023 22:20:44

Brenda Strong
Brenda Strong

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