Home Actress Helga Krapf HD Photos and Wallpapers September 2023 Helga Krapf Instagram - Breakfast for a family of two. ❤️ #Weekend #RaisingAmelie #MomLife

Helga Krapf Instagram – Breakfast for a family of two. ❤️ #Weekend #RaisingAmelie #MomLife

Helga Krapf Instagram - Breakfast for a family of two. ❤️ #Weekend #RaisingAmelie #MomLife

Helga Krapf Instagram – Breakfast for a family of two. ❤️

#Weekend #RaisingAmelie #MomLife | Posted on 07/May/2023 11:45:05

Helga Krapf Instagram – This is a story about how Amelie unintentionally tricked me into thinking I am older than I actually am: 

So on some special days or anniversaries, Frankfurt pulls out their older Trams from around the 1950s-1970s for commuters to experience. If you’re lucky, you get to ride them on your weekend commute. Amelie and I came from the city last Saturday and on our way home we got to ride one of those Trams. Our convo went like this:

Me: How do you like the old school train?
Amelie: Its alright. Do you feel like you’re old school again in this train? 
Me: Well kinda, its a nice experience to get to ride them. What about you? 
Amelie: NO. Because I don’t know how it feels to be old school. 

I needed a minute to process and then answered – “You’re right. That makes a lot of sense.” 

Two days after I sit here looking at the photos and realize, I AM NOT THAT OLD as well. 💀
I never got to ride these trains also and I only remember the more modern models too. 🤣Although I must admit I feel like I belong to a completely different era than the one I was born into and I love things from the 50s-70s. 👵🏻
Helga Krapf Instagram – Celebrating with some 🍨 🥳

Had a one on one talk with Amelie’s new class teacher last week and I left the school with tears and a big smile on my face. The teacher had nothing but praises for Amelie and he was surprised to find out that she’s been here for less than two years, impressed with how well she speaks german already and that she’s fluent in three languages at such a young age. 

To be honest I went in with a bunch of worries…maybe she’ll have to repeat 2nd grade because of her german, maybe she’ll have to do tutoring, maybe she’s too quiet in class and so on. Only to be told she’s actually thriving, all is well, no extra classes needed, and that I should continue whatever it is that I’m doing. 😭🥲 

Amelie didn’t go to preschool or Kindergarten just like momma, looking back, it was probably a bit risky to go against the norm but I just followed my instincts with this one and I have no regrets. I’m never gonna be a perfect parent, but my heart perfectly knows my child. ❤️🥹

“ Don’t let yourself become so concerned with being a perfect parent that you forget you are already a great one.” #RaisingAmelie #MomLife

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