Jerrie Johnson

Jerrie Johnson Instagram – Been thinking a lot about the protection there is for Black industry workers, especially during and even beyond this strike. Its impact goes beyond just actors. I’ve been feeling it and I know others have too. Having to rearrange my life, stressing over ways to make money to meet my basic needs, waiting for assistance that they make you jump through hoops to get, still nothing. It’s had an effect on my mental health yet I still have to show up and do my best for auditions and other passion work that feeds my soul but not my stomach. I’m grateful for my support system for how they have shown up for me in the ways that they can but this shit is hard. There currently isn’t a sustainable structure in place for us and definitely not in times like this, so what does it look like to come together? What does it look like to take action to Assure the protection of Black and brown industry workers? Tell a friend to tell a friend and Let’s talk about it! Monday @ 8pm EST ! | Posted on 23/Sep/2023 03:22:26

Jerrie Johnson
Jerrie Johnson

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