Home Actor Ne-Yo HD Photos and Wallpapers November 2023 Ne-Yo Instagram - To my 1st born. The words to express how proud I am to be your dad don’t even exist. As I watch you grow into a young woman I’m instantly reminded of the bossy little princess you were as a child😂. The way you look out for your little brothers, the individual you are, I know you’re going to be an asset to this world. 13 years. I officially have a teenager😅 The world will try to break your spirit and tell you what to be. I’d be worried if I didn’t know how strong and smart you are. Shine on em’ my love. And if anything ever does shake you, know for a fact that dad will ALWAYS be there to hold you down. Now and forever Madi Moo!🥰🥰🥰 HAPPY BDAY MY LOVE. DADDY LOVES YOU!

Ne-Yo Instagram – To my 1st born. The words to express how proud I am to be your dad don’t even exist. As I watch you grow into a young woman I’m instantly reminded of the bossy little princess you were as a child😂. The way you look out for your little brothers, the individual you are, I know you’re going to be an asset to this world. 13 years. I officially have a teenager😅 The world will try to break your spirit and tell you what to be. I’d be worried if I didn’t know how strong and smart you are. Shine on em’ my love. And if anything ever does shake you, know for a fact that dad will ALWAYS be there to hold you down. Now and forever Madi Moo!🥰🥰🥰 HAPPY BDAY MY LOVE. DADDY LOVES YOU!

Ne-Yo Instagram - To my 1st born. The words to express how proud I am to be your dad don’t even exist. As I watch you grow into a young woman I’m instantly reminded of the bossy little princess you were as a child😂. The way you look out for your little brothers, the individual you are, I know you’re going to be an asset to this world. 13 years. I officially have a teenager😅 The world will try to break your spirit and tell you what to be. I’d be worried if I didn’t know how strong and smart you are. Shine on em’ my love. And if anything ever does shake you, know for a fact that dad will ALWAYS be there to hold you down. Now and forever Madi Moo!🥰🥰🥰 HAPPY BDAY MY LOVE. DADDY LOVES YOU!

Ne-Yo Instagram – To my 1st born. The words to express how proud I am to be your dad don’t even exist.
As I watch you grow into a young woman I’m instantly reminded of the bossy little princess you were as a child😂. The way you look out for your little brothers, the individual you are,
I know you’re going to be an asset to this world. 13 years. I officially have a teenager😅
The world will try to break your spirit and tell you what to be. I’d be worried if I didn’t know how strong and smart you are. Shine on em’ my love. And if anything ever does shake you, know for a fact that dad will ALWAYS be there to hold you down. Now and forever Madi Moo!🥰🥰🥰

HAPPY BDAY MY LOVE. DADDY LOVES YOU! | Posted on 12/Nov/2023 18:16:55

Ne-Yo Instagram – LINK 🆙 REMIX FEATURING MY BROTHER @myfabolouslife OUT NOW! Hit that 🔗 in MY bio!
Ne-Yo Instagram – To my 1st born. The words to express how proud I am to be your dad don’t even exist. 
As I watch you grow into a young woman I’m instantly reminded of the bossy little princess you were as a child😂. The way you look out for your little brothers, the individual you are, 
I know you’re going to be an asset to this world. 13 years. I officially have a teenager😅
The world will try to break your spirit and tell you what to be. I’d be worried if I didn’t know how strong and smart you are. Shine on em’ my love. And if anything ever does shake you, know for a fact that dad will ALWAYS be there to hold you down. Now and forever Madi Moo!🥰🥰🥰


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