Home Actress Bleona HD Photos and Wallpapers November 2023 Bleona Instagram - The free spirits are rare because today in fashion is consensus not freedom…. Freedom comes with a price, It forces you to take risks...Consensus NO! Consensus gives you comfort and requires no sacrifice. But what are we without freedom? A big nothing, living an unfulfilled and ultimately an unhappy life!!! So don’t listen to the small minds because freedom is actually your best friend to realize your dreams! The dreams don’t cost anything - what costs is the price you pay when you want to make them come true!! Don’t make the mistake to wait for someone else to make it happen for you - find the courage and be the designer of your own life because no one else will do it for you!! I thank god and my family for always being with me 🙏🏻 Thank you #michaeltadrossjr and @robertgillings for giving me the opportunity to play on #paperempireseries Thank you #Albania for this #award I am truly honored! Zoti e bekofte #shqipërinë dhe #shqiptaret 🇦🇱👐🏻🇺🇸

Bleona Instagram – The free spirits are rare because today in fashion is consensus not freedom…. Freedom comes with a price, It forces you to take risks…Consensus NO! Consensus gives you comfort and requires no sacrifice. But what are we without freedom? A big nothing, living an unfulfilled and ultimately an unhappy life!!! So don’t listen to the small minds because freedom is actually your best friend to realize your dreams! The dreams don’t cost anything – what costs is the price you pay when you want to make them come true!! Don’t make the mistake to wait for someone else to make it happen for you – find the courage and be the designer of your own life because no one else will do it for you!! I thank god and my family for always being with me 🙏🏻 Thank you #michaeltadrossjr and @robertgillings for giving me the opportunity to play on #paperempireseries Thank you #Albania for this #award I am truly honored! Zoti e bekofte #shqipërinë dhe #shqiptaret 🇦🇱👐🏻🇺🇸

Bleona Instagram - The free spirits are rare because today in fashion is consensus not freedom…. Freedom comes with a price, It forces you to take risks...Consensus NO! Consensus gives you comfort and requires no sacrifice. But what are we without freedom? A big nothing, living an unfulfilled and ultimately an unhappy life!!! So don’t listen to the small minds because freedom is actually your best friend to realize your dreams! The dreams don’t cost anything - what costs is the price you pay when you want to make them come true!! Don’t make the mistake to wait for someone else to make it happen for you - find the courage and be the designer of your own life because no one else will do it for you!! I thank god and my family for always being with me 🙏🏻 Thank you #michaeltadrossjr and @robertgillings for giving me the opportunity to play on #paperempireseries Thank you #Albania for this #award I am truly honored! Zoti e bekofte #shqipërinë dhe #shqiptaret 🇦🇱👐🏻🇺🇸

Bleona Instagram – The free spirits are rare because today in fashion is consensus not freedom….
Freedom comes with a price, It forces you to take risks…Consensus NO!
Consensus gives you comfort and requires no sacrifice.
But what are we without freedom? A big nothing, living an unfulfilled and ultimately an unhappy life!!!
So don’t listen to the small minds because freedom is actually your best friend to realize your dreams!
The dreams don’t cost anything – what costs is the price you pay when you want to make them come true!!
Don’t make the mistake to wait for someone else to make it happen for you – find the courage and be the designer of your own life because no one else will do it for you!!
I thank god and my family for always being with me 🙏🏻
Thank you #michaeltadrossjr and @robertgillings for giving me the opportunity to play on #paperempireseries
Thank you #Albania for this #award I am truly honored!
Zoti e bekofte #shqipërinë dhe #shqiptaret 🇦🇱👐🏻🇺🇸 | Posted on 28/Nov/2023 01:09:10

Bleona Instagram – Te jesh nje shpirt i lire sot, eshte e rralle, sepse ne mode eshte konsensusi dhe jo pavaresia.
Liria kushton, ajo te detyron te ndermarresh rrisqe, ndryshe nga konsensusi, qe eshte komod dhe nuk kerkon asnje sakrifice.
Por cfare do te ishim ne pa lirine? Asgje! 
Te palumtur dhe te parealizuar, duhet te kuptojme se vetem kur je I lire mund te shkosh drejt realizimit te endrrave tua! 
Ndaj mos degjoni zerat e mendjengushteve. 
Endrrat nuk kushtojne! 
Ajo qe duhet te paguani eshte kostoja per realizimin e tyre.
Mos e beni gabimin te prisni dike qe t’i beje ato te mundura per ju, gjejeni kurajon dhe behuni vete projektuesit e jetes suaj. 
Askush nuk do ta beje per ju. 
Te pakten, jo falas. 
Ky vendim mund t’ju kushtoje lirine. E keni vete ne dore te zgjidhni per cfare te luftoni.
Love #bleona ❤️🇦🇱👐🏻🇺🇸
Bleona Instagram – Te jesh nje shpirt i lire sot, eshte e rralle, sepse ne mode eshte konsensusi dhe jo pavaresia.
Liria kushton, ajo te detyron te ndermarresh rrisqe, ndryshe nga konsensusi, qe eshte komod dhe nuk kerkon asnje sakrifice.
Por cfare do te ishim ne pa lirine? Asgje! 
Te palumtur dhe te parealizuar, duhet te kuptojme se vetem kur je I lire mund te shkosh drejt realizimit te endrrave tua! 
Ndaj mos degjoni zerat e mendjengushteve. 
Endrrat nuk kushtojne! 
Ajo qe duhet te paguani eshte kostoja per realizimin e tyre.
Mos e beni gabimin te prisni dike qe t’i beje ato te mundura per ju, gjejeni kurajon dhe behuni vete projektuesit e jetes suaj. 
Askush nuk do ta beje per ju. 
Te pakten, jo falas. 
Ky vendim mund t’ju kushtoje lirine. E keni vete ne dore te zgjidhni per cfare te luftoni.
Love #bleona ❤️🇦🇱👐🏻🇺🇸

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