Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – The Education Secretary says she will ban mobile phones in education. My view ? It’s about time. I have just finished writing my second book and cover this topic in depth for parents. All the research I have seen finds links between phones and poor mental health in children. Most schools I know already demand phones are checked in first thing and collected at home time. I hope this ban will make life easier for schools and teachers – but also parents and children too. I wonder should we go one step further and insist on ‘dumb’ phones for under 16s… ie phones without access to the internet – so children can stay connected if their parents wish to/en route home from school… but without the potential for online use / harms .. what are your thoughts and your experience ? I would love to hear x

#education #smartphones #technology #mentalhealth

Thanks to @oscnord for the image | Posted on 02/Oct/2023 13:54:05

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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