Maisie Adam

Maisie Adam Instagram – Last night was our 4th @franks_fund Comedy Gala, and the first time holding it in the beautiful Harrogate Theatre. It was an incredible, sold-out evening in front of 500 people, absolutely jam-packed with laughter from beginning to end.

Iā€™m so bloody proud to be patron of Frankā€™s Fund, and of how much weā€™ve grown this incredible charity in such a short space of time.
Our first comedy gala was in the school hall, where weā€™d be decking it out with fairy lights to try and make it look like a gig and not the room everyone sits their GCSEs in, and now weā€™re selling out Harrogate Theatre before we even announce the lineup.

Itā€™s so important to Frankā€™s family that we keep his name alive, and this does exactly that.
You donā€™t need to have known him, you donā€™t need to have known someone with Ewing Sarcoma, you just need to want a good laugh (like Frank did!) and can raise a load of money for an incredible cause in doing so.
Weā€™re still counting up the money we raised so stay tuned for the total!

Thank you to everyone who came down last night, it was great to see new faces as well as familiar ones (including an impressive amount of my former teachers! šŸ˜…)
Thank you to our incredible acts @ivo_graham , @linzsantoro and @jonrichardsoncomedian
Thank you to the wonderful @harrogatetheatre for all their help with putting this on, they are the very best of what it means to be a local arts venue.

The annual Frankā€™s Fund Comedy Gala is fast becoming THE must-see comedy event in North Yorkshire.

Weā€™ll be back next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, until thereā€™s a cure šŸ§” | Posted on 11/Oct/2023 03:09:47

Maisie Adam
Maisie Adam

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