Adjua Styles

Adjua Styles Instagram – So…I did a THING last week!

Let me start by saying that if you have had any work done specifically…breast implants, and all is well…kudos to you. Let me make it clear that by no means am I surgery-shaming anyone. If the changes make you happy and you are healthy, then that makes me even happier! However, I want to say that If you do and they’re raising any health concerns…make the necessary changes and/or just get rid of them altogether. Health first!

AS FOR ME, I had to get rid of my implants because of their toxicity. My body rejected them from the very start. It took 8 years and a laundry list of problems, but I finally had the courage to make the decision to remove them.

I was beautiful before and I damn sure will be beautiful after.

My advice: Before you make any semi-permanent/permanent changes, make sure you evaluate then reevaluate your consciousness (current state of mind). Also, make sure you ask a zillion questions. 10x out of 10you’re just wanting a superficial upgrade (like I did) without considering all that comes with an augmentation/plastic surgery procedure.
Remember…you will change and/or evolve (hopefully) and grow at some point. That’s the natural course of life…Change! With growth comes different choices and wiser decisions overall and when that happens, you want to be happy with your choices!

Things change over time. Cigarettes weren’t denounced previously but now they are. There are many examples. My point is this: don’t wait until “they” decide to denounce implants to realize how unhealthy they can potentially become. Make sure your doctor explains the “cons” not just the “pros”. If you’re gonna go the plastic surgery route, then please, please listen to your body along with having the right testing done to ensure that your health is up to par along the way.

Being in the health and wellness biz, it was imperative for me to find the root cause of the health issues I was facing. And…all roads lead to my implants.

I hope I can inspire some. I’m gonna keep cutting out the bull 💩 in my life. Please believe it!!! Much love!!

#transparency #thegoodthebadandtheugly
#healthiswealth | Posted on 11/Oct/2023 18:30:49

Adjua Styles
Adjua Styles

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