Home Actress Kate Cast HD Photos and Wallpapers December 2023 Kate Cast Instagram - Be un-apologetically Who You are. What do you need to feel to good? Accomplished? Satisfied? WHO DO YOU WANT THE WORLD REMEMBER YOU LIKE? How do you want your friends & family be talking about you after you will die one day? WHAT DOES YOUR LIFE MAKE WORTHY OF LIVING? What does make you feel confident, feeling great, in your own skin. Do you speak your truth no matter what or you’re thinking about what others will think about you before you take an action..? No matter what, I feel the best when I can BE MYSELF. Living my life according to my standards and not compromising on what my soul wants. I got to the point when I literally don’t have another choice. And when living life how I want it to live, regardless of other’s people opinion, I feel they do respect me more. Maybe it’s cause this means that I RESPECT MYSELF AND I’M PROUD OF WHO I AM. And what I attract in my life it’s just a reflection of my inner state of being. I don’t worry about what others think any longer. I know I cannot control them or their thoughts. And this realization come with a huge amount of the feeling of release and freedom. AND WHAT DOES BEING YOURSELF MEANS FOR YOU dear friend…? I’d love to hear it from you ❤️

Kate Cast Instagram – Be un-apologetically Who You are. What do you need to feel to good? Accomplished? Satisfied? WHO DO YOU WANT THE WORLD REMEMBER YOU LIKE? How do you want your friends & family be talking about you after you will die one day? WHAT DOES YOUR LIFE MAKE WORTHY OF LIVING? What does make you feel confident, feeling great, in your own skin. Do you speak your truth no matter what or you’re thinking about what others will think about you before you take an action..? No matter what, I feel the best when I can BE MYSELF. Living my life according to my standards and not compromising on what my soul wants. I got to the point when I literally don’t have another choice. And when living life how I want it to live, regardless of other’s people opinion, I feel they do respect me more. Maybe it’s cause this means that I RESPECT MYSELF AND I’M PROUD OF WHO I AM. And what I attract in my life it’s just a reflection of my inner state of being. I don’t worry about what others think any longer. I know I cannot control them or their thoughts. And this realization come with a huge amount of the feeling of release and freedom. AND WHAT DOES BEING YOURSELF MEANS FOR YOU dear friend…? I’d love to hear it from you ❤️

Kate Cast Instagram - Be un-apologetically Who You are. What do you need to feel to good? Accomplished? Satisfied? WHO DO YOU WANT THE WORLD REMEMBER YOU LIKE? How do you want your friends & family be talking about you after you will die one day? WHAT DOES YOUR LIFE MAKE WORTHY OF LIVING? What does make you feel confident, feeling great, in your own skin. Do you speak your truth no matter what or you’re thinking about what others will think about you before you take an action..? No matter what, I feel the best when I can BE MYSELF. Living my life according to my standards and not compromising on what my soul wants. I got to the point when I literally don’t have another choice. And when living life how I want it to live, regardless of other’s people opinion, I feel they do respect me more. Maybe it’s cause this means that I RESPECT MYSELF AND I’M PROUD OF WHO I AM. And what I attract in my life it’s just a reflection of my inner state of being. I don’t worry about what others think any longer. I know I cannot control them or their thoughts. And this realization come with a huge amount of the feeling of release and freedom. AND WHAT DOES BEING YOURSELF MEANS FOR YOU dear friend…? I’d love to hear it from you ❤️

Kate Cast Instagram – Be un-apologetically Who You are.

What do you need to feel to good? Accomplished?

How do you want your friends & family be talking about you after you will die one day?


What does make you feel confident, feeling great, in your own skin. Do you speak your truth no matter what or you’re thinking about what others will think about you before you take an action..?

No matter what, I feel the best when I can BE MYSELF. Living my life according to my standards and not compromising on what my soul wants. I got to the point when I literally don’t have another choice.
And when living life how I want it to live, regardless of other’s people opinion, I feel they do respect me more. Maybe it’s cause this means that I RESPECT MYSELF AND I’M PROUD OF WHO I AM. And what I attract in my life it’s just a reflection of my inner state of being.

I don’t worry about what others think any longer. I know I cannot control them or their thoughts. And this realization come with a huge amount of the feeling of release and freedom.

I’d love to hear it from you ❤️ | Posted on 01/Nov/2021 22:37:03

Kate Cast Instagram – We think it could help, it’d make us feel better when we complain…

That’s why we do it all the time…
( Don’t try to tell me you do not cause I don’t know a single person who would never complain at least about the weather or the traffic 😜

But let me tell you; 
It’s not truth.

We are just playing the victim of all these things, people and circumstances we complain about.
Feels good for our Ego. Make us feel more important.

But in reality, it just take our power away.
It brings us down and attract even more of these negatives into our life.

~ with love 💕 your spiritual bitch 

PS. All article about how we are played by our Ego it’s coming on my website soon 🥳
Kate Cast Instagram – It’s not a problem to feel bad or insicure. It’s not a problem to face difficulties in your life and being worried. It’s not a problem to feel pain or dealing with injuries.

The problem si not to feel ok and safe with your feeling.

  99% of why we’re not feeling ok is created by our mind and so far by our option about the situation. Only 1% is the situation by itself.

 💕 I find out that I have to allow myself to feel how I feel without a judgment. Put my emotional state as the most important before anything else.
Embrace my needs, no matter how much “weird” or uncommon they might seem like, no matter if I have to play DIVA.
I have to stop feeling bad about “feeling bad & weak sometimes”. 
If I need to meditate every morning or take sea salt crystal bath every morning and that’s playing Diva in your opinion, I simply have to do that no matter how weird it is for you.

  I need to set up healthy boundaries for myself. Not because of YOU but because of ME. For the person like me, for all of us who are EMPATHS, we need to listen first to how do we feel and put ourselves and our needs first, before helping others. 💕 

THANK YOU my pain for all the messages. I know you’re just the messenger of my body & my soul to look even more inwards and celebrate WHO I AM.

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