Home Actress Kate Cast HD Photos and Wallpapers December 2023 Kate Cast Instagram - Be un-apologetically Who You are. What do you need to feel to good? Accomplished? Satisfied? WHO DO YOU WANT THE WORLD REMEMBER YOU LIKE? How do you want your friends & family be talking about you after you will die one day? WHAT DOES YOUR LIFE MAKE WORTHY OF LIVING? What does make you feel confident, feeling great, in your own skin. Do you speak your truth no matter what or you’re thinking about what others will think about you before you take an action..? No matter what, I feel the best when I can BE MYSELF. Living my life according to my standards and not compromising on what my soul wants. I got to the point when I literally don’t have another choice. And when living life how I want it to live, regardless of other’s people opinion, I feel they do respect me more. Maybe it’s cause this means that I RESPECT MYSELF AND I’M PROUD OF WHO I AM. And what I attract in my life it’s just a reflection of my inner state of being. I don’t worry about what others think any longer. I know I cannot control them or their thoughts. And this realization come with a huge amount of the feeling of release and freedom. AND WHAT DOES BEING YOURSELF MEANS FOR YOU dear friend…? I’d love to hear it from you ❤️

Kate Cast Instagram – Be un-apologetically Who You are. What do you need to feel to good? Accomplished? Satisfied? WHO DO YOU WANT THE WORLD REMEMBER YOU LIKE? How do you want your friends & family be talking about you after you will die one day? WHAT DOES YOUR LIFE MAKE WORTHY OF LIVING? What does make you feel confident, feeling great, in your own skin. Do you speak your truth no matter what or you’re thinking about what others will think about you before you take an action..? No matter what, I feel the best when I can BE MYSELF. Living my life according to my standards and not compromising on what my soul wants. I got to the point when I literally don’t have another choice. And when living life how I want it to live, regardless of other’s people opinion, I feel they do respect me more. Maybe it’s cause this means that I RESPECT MYSELF AND I’M PROUD OF WHO I AM. And what I attract in my life it’s just a reflection of my inner state of being. I don’t worry about what others think any longer. I know I cannot control them or their thoughts. And this realization come with a huge amount of the feeling of release and freedom. AND WHAT DOES BEING YOURSELF MEANS FOR YOU dear friend…? I’d love to hear it from you ❤️

Kate Cast Instagram - Be un-apologetically Who You are. What do you need to feel to good? Accomplished? Satisfied? WHO DO YOU WANT THE WORLD REMEMBER YOU LIKE? How do you want your friends & family be talking about you after you will die one day? WHAT DOES YOUR LIFE MAKE WORTHY OF LIVING? What does make you feel confident, feeling great, in your own skin. Do you speak your truth no matter what or you’re thinking about what others will think about you before you take an action..? No matter what, I feel the best when I can BE MYSELF. Living my life according to my standards and not compromising on what my soul wants. I got to the point when I literally don’t have another choice. And when living life how I want it to live, regardless of other’s people opinion, I feel they do respect me more. Maybe it’s cause this means that I RESPECT MYSELF AND I’M PROUD OF WHO I AM. And what I attract in my life it’s just a reflection of my inner state of being. I don’t worry about what others think any longer. I know I cannot control them or their thoughts. And this realization come with a huge amount of the feeling of release and freedom. AND WHAT DOES BEING YOURSELF MEANS FOR YOU dear friend…? I’d love to hear it from you ❤️

Kate Cast Instagram – Be un-apologetically Who You are.

What do you need to feel to good? Accomplished?

How do you want your friends & family be talking about you after you will die one day?


What does make you feel confident, feeling great, in your own skin. Do you speak your truth no matter what or you’re thinking about what others will think about you before you take an action..?

No matter what, I feel the best when I can BE MYSELF. Living my life according to my standards and not compromising on what my soul wants. I got to the point when I literally don’t have another choice.
And when living life how I want it to live, regardless of other’s people opinion, I feel they do respect me more. Maybe it’s cause this means that I RESPECT MYSELF AND I’M PROUD OF WHO I AM. And what I attract in my life it’s just a reflection of my inner state of being.

I don’t worry about what others think any longer. I know I cannot control them or their thoughts. And this realization come with a huge amount of the feeling of release and freedom.

I’d love to hear it from you ❤️ | Posted on 01/Nov/2021 22:37:03

Kate Cast Instagram – Do you ever catch yourself thinking “no, but THIS CAN NEVER HAPPEN. That’s unrealistic -> just good for me.”

( that guy 👨🏼/ girl 👧🏼 it’s too pretty , he will never like me, he doesn’t even know I do exist 
Oh, I’d love that job but I’m not qualified enough to get it / don’t have the right connections there ……)

  I’m sure I do ☝🏻 . I was used to put myself down for yeaaaars. Didn’t believe in myself and that I can make it. Looking at people and things and just thinking “I wish I could be like that, have that, but…..” 
(modeling is great school for that btw. 😌

But Hey! , half of the people who run the company you’re applying to work for have even less experience then you do, plus they all started the same way like you – ‘nowhere’ 😜. 
And that pretty face might be fed up by always meeting the same gays and is just looking for something different, something different. 
Even me – being a fashion model – I get hit by so many guys; handsome or not, powerful or useful, rich & famous / no one (but they all seem pretty confident about themselves!!

  Yes, that’s the key ☝🏻 . Being convinced YOU CAN SO IT , you can achieve it. Just start. Start where you are. Start somewhere. And as they say FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT.
Kate Cast Instagram – We grown up in the fairytale of believing that we are a little princess 👸🏼 and one day, there will be the Prince Charming coming to rescue us.

  Think about Sleeping Beauty or Snow White who wait to be saved by the Prince. When we’re little, each of us secretly wants to be like them – beautiful, innocent, and in love. Each of us wants to be the Princess.

  When we grow up we dress up certain way, wear the makeup, play certain games to attract an attention of men, compete with other woman. We behave and do the things we think it’s good for us so we can be the best version of his ideal girlfriend. 

  From romantic movies, we have learned that we should wait for Mr. Right. 
We all love to watch Pretty woman or Sex in the city over and over again. 
Every typical romantic movie ends with getting him and being a complete woman for the first time in life. Without him, we’re nothing.

I don’t know if it’s just me but I have had enough of these manipulations telling us that there’s nothing more important in this world then getting the love of man.
They cheat on us, they are not serious and all the ‘good ones’ seem to be taken already or become the gays. 😅

I call it the Princess syndrome. 

  Living in this way, you can never start living like your life really matters. You feel incomplete without him, so you don’t create the life that you dearly want. You tell yourself that it will come once he marries you. Thus you cut off parts of yourself and put your life on hold.

Do you know what the funniest and saddest thing is? He doesn’t want the needy Princess who is envious of other Princesses. He wants a real woman who enjoys herself and her life, regardless of whether he has arrived yet.

But When you focus on yourself, your inner growth, and cultivating your beautiful heart, then miracles happen. Then you can have anything you want because only then you’re in alignment with the Universe.

I believe that it’s time to drop this Princess Syndrome because it doesn’t serve you. It only makes you wait for something that is already within yourself.

With love 💕 


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