Home Actress Mona Chalabi HD Photos and Wallpapers December 2023 Mona Chalabi Instagram - Won a Pulitzer, gave it away. The fourth slide is from an interview that was released last night about journalistic censorship of Palestine. Please go listen (it’s called Longform - in my bio). We spoke for four hours and it was pretty agonizing. The day before the Pulitzer ceremony, I went to buy a dress from a Palestinian store in Brooklyn. When I walked in, the store owner and her family were sitting around a television, watching the news in silence but their grief was so loud that I was ashamed to interrupt. This beautiful dress and abaya also came with a matching hijab for $65 total - I hope that’s a price point that means a lot of you reading this can go and support Diana’s Fashion World in Bay Ridge (full disclosure, I added the slit myself 😈). I’m grateful I got the chance to celebrate this prize back in May with the people who worked on this project with me. And, as I explain in the podcast, I remain ridiculously grateful to every one of you reading this who has supported my work by sharing it with others. You’re the reason I’ve got the strength to continue speaking, writing and drawing freely.

Mona Chalabi Instagram – Won a Pulitzer, gave it away. The fourth slide is from an interview that was released last night about journalistic censorship of Palestine. Please go listen (it’s called Longform – in my bio). We spoke for four hours and it was pretty agonizing. The day before the Pulitzer ceremony, I went to buy a dress from a Palestinian store in Brooklyn. When I walked in, the store owner and her family were sitting around a television, watching the news in silence but their grief was so loud that I was ashamed to interrupt. This beautiful dress and abaya also came with a matching hijab for $65 total – I hope that’s a price point that means a lot of you reading this can go and support Diana’s Fashion World in Bay Ridge (full disclosure, I added the slit myself 😈). I’m grateful I got the chance to celebrate this prize back in May with the people who worked on this project with me. And, as I explain in the podcast, I remain ridiculously grateful to every one of you reading this who has supported my work by sharing it with others. You’re the reason I’ve got the strength to continue speaking, writing and drawing freely.

Mona Chalabi Instagram - Won a Pulitzer, gave it away. The fourth slide is from an interview that was released last night about journalistic censorship of Palestine. Please go listen (it’s called Longform - in my bio). We spoke for four hours and it was pretty agonizing. The day before the Pulitzer ceremony, I went to buy a dress from a Palestinian store in Brooklyn. When I walked in, the store owner and her family were sitting around a television, watching the news in silence but their grief was so loud that I was ashamed to interrupt. This beautiful dress and abaya also came with a matching hijab for $65 total - I hope that’s a price point that means a lot of you reading this can go and support Diana’s Fashion World in Bay Ridge (full disclosure, I added the slit myself 😈). I’m grateful I got the chance to celebrate this prize back in May with the people who worked on this project with me. And, as I explain in the podcast, I remain ridiculously grateful to every one of you reading this who has supported my work by sharing it with others. You’re the reason I’ve got the strength to continue speaking, writing and drawing freely.

Mona Chalabi Instagram – Won a Pulitzer, gave it away.

The fourth slide is from an interview that was released last night about journalistic censorship of Palestine. Please go listen (it’s called Longform – in my bio). We spoke for four hours and it was pretty agonizing.

The day before the Pulitzer ceremony, I went to buy a dress from a Palestinian store in Brooklyn. When I walked in, the store owner and her family were sitting around a television, watching the news in silence but their grief was so loud that I was ashamed to interrupt. This beautiful dress and abaya also came with a matching hijab for $65 total – I hope that’s a price point that means a lot of you reading this can go and support Diana’s Fashion World in Bay Ridge (full disclosure, I added the slit myself 😈).

I’m grateful I got the chance to celebrate this prize back in May with the people who worked on this project with me. And, as I explain in the podcast, I remain ridiculously grateful to every one of you reading this who has supported my work by sharing it with others. You’re the reason I’ve got the strength to continue speaking, writing and drawing freely. | Posted on 16/Nov/2023 21:22:16

Mona Chalabi Instagram – Right now, there’s an Israeli-imposed media blackout in Palestine, so these numbers matter more than ever. Palestinian journalists have either been murdered (at least 24 so far) or else they’re silenced by the disconnection of phone and internet access, so the international press needs to do better. 

Sources: This data was compiled and analyzed by Holly Jackson, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. The data on deaths is from OCHA. She chose these three publications because she found that they were among the most read news sources in the United States. I’m going to link to her original data in my stories.

These simple numbers (based on thousands of articles) reveal some complicated facts. The New York Times has covered the violence in Palestine and Israel more than any other major US publication (and has done a better job now of considering Palestinian lives worthy of journalism than at any other time I can remember) but it’s still flawed. And depressingly, it’s less flawed than the Wall Street Journal or the Washington post. 

The coverage on Palestine and Israel is deeply skewed for lots of reasons. Bias can come out in the editing process even more than the writing process so don’t just blame the person with the byline. But it’s also because the Israeli government has a larger and more effective communications and press team than the Palestinian authorities could ever have. Every time that the Israeli authorities put out a statement, journalists report on it. Palestinians just don’t have the resources to be issuing so many statements, especially right now. 

Journalists have to work really hard to make sure that we’re not just listening to the people with louder voices.
Mona Chalabi Instagram – Western powers will work hard to protect colonialism and apartheid. Of all the times that the United States has used its veto power at the United Nations, half were to protect Israel from being held accountable. 
Source: United Nations Library.

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