Roan Curtis

Roan Curtis Instagram – Sorry, sappy post incoming. Today I went and visited the town that my dad’s side of the family is from, Dun Laoghaire. My dad had given me a list of places to visit and the first on my list was the East Pier where my Mise (grandmother) used to go walking often. It was absolutely pissing rain and then as soon as I stepped out onto the pier, the clouds parted and this rainbow appeared. It felt like my passed relatives saying hello and welcome. It made me cry happy tears. Today I’ve visited the church where my grandparents got married, the house my Mise grew up in, the house my grandfather owned, and now I’m sitting in a pub that used to be his childhood home having a Guinness. I’ve never felt so close to my heritage and those who have come before me. I feel so lucky to be here, it’s so magical. | Posted on 24/Oct/2023 21:45:32

Roan Curtis
Roan Curtis

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