Victoria Rowell

Victoria Rowell Instagram – I am not a politician. But I have been an orphan, have traveled the world for its cause and know mercy is never forgotten. We eventually grow up w/our memories. I hold the love of extraordinary Jewish foster parents in my heart…whose family taught me of a time when Jews & Palestinians lived as brothers & sisters. Time & war well document a history that changed that. I know a US/Palestinian artisan & colleague whose mother works tirelessly w/Palestinian orphans, still in the face of tragedy. Unspeakable loss & suffering on both sides of this war. I pray for #peace and that President Biden, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Secretary Blinken deescalate this tragic war. Negotiate the safe return of innocent hostages. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, as the world watches desperate children drinking salt water from thirst, in a humanitarian act, please open the Rafah Crossing boarder so that refugees can access aid, food & water. Forgive my naïveté but w/an Mediterranean Sea so wide & deep, when safe, can Mercy Ships & Doctors w/o Boarders be activated? 🙏🏽 @joebiden @secblinken @b.Netanyahu @alsisiofficial | Posted on 18/Oct/2023 03:08:06

Victoria Rowell
Victoria Rowell

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