Bebe Wood

Bebe Wood Instagram – Happy New Year, everyone.
As you read this, I don’t know who you are or where you are— or maybe I do! Hello friends, and hello strangers. (And enemies lovers. I am unsure why I grouped these together… hmm.) We’re all coexisting on this giant rock flying through space— exciting! Thanks for being ‘along for the ride’ with me!
Every year I seem to repeat myself and say “this year has been the most fulfilling and most challenging one yet,” so I’m thinking maybe that’s just what getting older is. With age comes more challenge and more knowledge— maybe these two are synonymous sometimes. With age also usually comes more awareness of ourselves, which brings more fulfillment I think. Maybe life just gains more meaning once we figure out what life actually means… at least what it means to us, anyway.
This year has been filled with some epic highs for me personally, which I feel incredibly grateful for. Of course, inevitably, it has also included its fair share of lows. I also feel grateful for these. More importantly, it’s been a challenging year for the whole world— challenging and devastating and beautiful, with both dark and light moments in it. I’m hoping 2024 brings mending, justice, and peace for all, but especially for those being impacted by campaigns of genocide.

And with that, I feel like quoting Theseus in A Midsummer Nights Dream for some reason and bid you all adieu until next year by saying, “Lovers, to bed, ‘tis almost fairy time.” x | Posted on 30/Dec/2023 22:37:09

Bebe Wood
Bebe Wood

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