Brenda Strong

Brenda Strong Instagram – A Love Letter
“We found each other,”… is a refrain that our household is more than familiar with. -A phrase my husband John would say when he would marvel that Skye, our sweet dog from Texas, was finally ours after searching over 2000 dogs on pet finder.
“Find your people,” is something my dear friend @andreaquinncoaching says. Yes.
After the last weekend spent with the poetic human ❤️ of a hurricane that is @jenpastiloff and her incredibly soulful fiancé, (my sweet husband on TV) and my friend in life @therealhenryczerny-This is a Love Letter to them & their courageous love— AND as a reminder to us all, that no matter your age, or history, when you find “your people” it is a MIRACLE and to run toward them and hold on for dear life.
One Day, while they were visiting us,
we sat in Big Sur, where John and I danced and sang the night before our wedding 8 years ago, after being served a drink called the “Love Letter”, & Jen started the prompt. The invitation, because that’s what she is, a human invitation- (get her book On Being Human) was to speak a Love Letter to each other. Needless to say, what followed was pure love: hearts cracked open, tears flowed, and the gift of feeling seen by each other was shared.
Then came the hard part.
My husband, John, who has led multiple Big Sur Theatre Labs, turned the tables. “Now, speak a Love Letter to yourself,” he suggested. Ugh.
How often have we chastised ourselves silently or aloud-for our failings, our bodies, our fears, our desires, our dreams, and our needs? I dare say that you, like me, do it a lot more than speak love to yourself.
But, what followed was nothing short of transformative. We did it. Wow.
So this is your invitation now. Speak a Love Letter to yourself today. Shine some light on yourself. Appreciate how you show up in your life and speak it out loud. And maybe, if it feels good, (or even uncomfortable), try it every day. See what happens. I dare say, It might even make it easier for “your people” to find you. ❤️ Big Love from Big Sur | Posted on 13/Aug/2023 03:19:46

Brenda Strong

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