Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – I watched for the 1000s time these different species of sharks, some considered “dangerous” or even “aggressive,” a word I do not like to use to describe animals, sharing their space with our small group of divers during our liveaboard experience.
Although I have been here many times before, I have seen all of this unfolding over and over; my brain could not stop going back to the negative push that sometimes organized shark dives receive, mainly from those who have never been on one and do not understand sharks and their behavior.
I watched Tiger sharks mixing with Bulls, Lemons, and the Caribbean, all cruising in front, around, and behind each other and our divers, and once again wished that everyone could watch this, realize the reality of sharing the space with sharks, and how with knowledge and understanding it is possible to learn more, love more and ultimately protect more.
Images taken by me yesterday during one dive:
Bull Shark, Carcharhinus leucas
Lemon Shark, Negaprion brevirostris
Tiger Shark, Galeocerdo cuvier
Tiger sharks swimming over divers
Lemon shark resting in between divers
With @kewinlorenzen on board @shark_explorers for our liveaboard trip to learn more about the sharks in The Bahamas.
@isotta_underwater_housings @waterproofinternational @scubapro @fourthelementdive | Posted on 20/Jan/2024 20:26:56

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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