Mia Farrow

Mia Farrow Instagram – Its one of those days when i find myself missing a time when the kids were little. In the photo Im with Quincy and Isaiah. We were at a premier in NY. As a single mom iI needed to work. Sometimes I had to travel, but I did my best to minimize that & took them with me whenever possible.(one year, despite being hopeless at math, i home schooled Quincy). Now, my two youngest are in their 30s with lives of their own; Quincy has two gorgeous little girls, a great husband, beautiful home in the countryside with lots of land, chickens, a big barn, ponies for neighbors & the state’s top primary school in town She is a rising star in real estate and an officer in her branch of the NAACP. Shes getting honeybees next Spring. Her husband is an electrician. They are so cute & loving together! (Their accountant says they’ll be able to retire at 46. WOW!). Isaiah lives in a vibrant city nearby & has a great job – (beat out some fierce competition) He also plays in a band. After college he taught at a prep school in Bangkok- initially for a year but he fell in love with Thailand & stayed for 5. – He didn’t want to leave- he had friends & a lovely apartment . I get it. Thailand is beautiful. People are extraordinarily kind. Life is more relaxed. He is an adult & I respect his decisions. But i missed him. And when he couldn’t extend his visa further, he came back! I am elated. Transitions can be overwhelming, but he did it all- reconnecting with old friends & making new ones. He now has the job he most wanted- assisting people with intellectual disabilities. People of all ages have always loved his company. He has a car & we get to visit. So, my 2 youngest have found the joy in helping others. In Feb, God willing, i’ll begin my 80th year of life! Like everybody, I’ve known disappointment, worry and the ceaseless pain that comes from losing dearest loves. I have surely made a zillion mistakes along the way. But i am truly blessed. I love my friends, and my sisters. I’ve loved to work & above all, the children in my life- they bring love, meaning, awe & joy. I am more grateful than i have words to say. THANK YOU ♥️🙏🏽♥️ i love you so very much | Posted on 16/Nov/2023 02:04:24

Mia Farrow
Mia Farrow

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