Sarah Carter

Sarah Carter Instagram – morning walks | winter moon reads: HAGITUDE 🐺🌖

How the journey begins…

… it wasn’t a skybound old man with a beard who made and shaped this world. It was an old woman. A giant old woman, who has been with us down all the long ages, since the beginning of time. “When I was a young lass, the ocean was a forest, full of trees-“ How thoroughly we’ve been taught to forget. These cosmologies are firmly embedded in the land, the sea, the sky, the human-animal, and the plant-populated cultures to which we belong… — Sharon Blackie

Her call…

She is the essence of weather itself.
She is the wind
Tearing violently at the roof,
Squealing on the old gate,
Calling down the chimney.
She is my fear taking human form,
Calling into me-
Let me out to the wind after her.
Out of my concrete skin,
Out of my iron skull,
Because there’s fierceness in me
That desires the edge,
The tempest,
The change…

— Ceaiti Ni Bheildiuin

rain hat @viviennewestwood

Bookclub starts Tuesday February 13th ✨ | Posted on 23/Jan/2024 20:05:56

Sarah Carter
Sarah Carter

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