Home Actress Annie Lennox HD Photos and Wallpapers February 2024 Annie Lennox Instagram - Lost for words..Every day - more horror. ALL we can do is to keep CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE!!!! KEEP SHARING THE CALL FOR PEACE. STOP THE DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION OF PALESTINIANS.. #ceasefire #stopthegenocide

Annie Lennox Instagram – Lost for words..Every day – more horror. ALL we can do is to keep CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE!!!! KEEP SHARING THE CALL FOR PEACE. STOP THE DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION OF PALESTINIANS.. #ceasefire #stopthegenocide

Annie Lennox Instagram - Lost for words..Every day - more horror. ALL we can do is to keep CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE!!!! KEEP SHARING THE CALL FOR PEACE. STOP THE DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION OF PALESTINIANS.. #ceasefire #stopthegenocide

Annie Lennox Instagram – Lost for words..Every day – more horror. ALL we can do is to keep CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE!!!!
#ceasefire #stopthegenocide | Posted on 20/Feb/2024 02:15:44

Annie Lennox Instagram – Dear Friends, 
Last nightā€™s shameful fiasco in the House Of Commons serves to highlight the degree of ineptitude that seems to have become ā€˜modus operandiā€™ in British politics. Meanwhile Palestinians in Gaza are being forcibly ā€˜starved,ā€™ with Aid trucks being prevented from providing life-supporting access. With the death toll approaching THIRTY THOUSAND How many more civilians must be killed until so called ā€˜victoryā€™ has been achieved??? 

 I am also highly aware of the many other conflicts taking place around the world..

SUDAN was plunged into war and chaos almost a year ago, where EIGHT MILLION civilians were forced to flee their homes to neighbouring countries..including Ethiopia, Chad and South Sudan. 
According to the WHO, over 4 million women and girls face unimaginable horror and are constantly at risk from sexual violence.
Today I want to introduce you to an outstanding global feminist – Grace Dorong, whose organisation
 ā€œRoots of Generationsā€  is based in South Sudan and supported by @TheCircleNGO. 
Grace and her team couldnā€™t just sit by and watch the crisis unfold. They have been extending their work to women, children and single-headed households at camps for Internally Displaced Persons in South Sudan with trauma-counselling, registration at entry points and psycho-social support.
ā€œThe situation is bad. We are looking deeper into the lost-and-damage experiences by these women from Sudan and cater to their emotional and mental needs like dealing with stigma, loss of self-esteem, loss of loved ones, loss of identity, loss of connection to oneā€™s origin, ancestors and many others,ā€ says Grace Dorong, founder of ROG.

Itā€™s important that we #KeepEyesOnSudan, demanding world leaders to do more to push for an end to the conflict in the country. Everywhere,in homes, in villages, during conflicts, there must be an end to violence against women and girls.
#GlobalFeminism #GlobalFeminist #GlobalFeminismSeries #StandForDignity #WomenEmpowerment #EqualityMatters #FeministVoices #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #WomenRights #GenderJustice #TheCircle
Annie Lennox Instagram – Dear Friends,
I continue to maintain that my position has consistently been from a ā€˜humanitarianā€™ perspective.
Neither pro-Hamas not anti- Semitic.
The one thing I am TOTALLY against is brutality against any living person. I absolutely wish to see ALL remaining hostages safely returned to their friends and families. 
NINETY – PER CENT of CHILDREN aged 6-23 MONTHS are now  facing severe food povertyā€¦ along with pregnant and breastfeeding mothers in Gaza?? 
With more than 29,000 Palestinians killed – constant bombing and the destruction of almost ALL the infrastructure.. 
I have to ask.. What ELSE can this be apart from ethnic cleansing and genocide??

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