Dylan Meyer

Dylan Meyer Instagram – Happy birthday to the clearest evidence we have that a lifetime of drinking the Los Angeles tap water will only make you fine as hell, a genius capable of designing elaborate mazes that will get rats out of your house. Maggie, you’re a king of matzoh ball soup. A jack of all freckles. A queen of hearts. I can’t believe I get to call you my business partner as well as my best friend, it really makes it seem like I’m in a coma somewhere cuz this is definitely way too good to be true. On the basis of that fact alone I’d call this year a massive win. Maybe next year we’ll finally make our movie or explode trying. Either way we’ll be together and therefore it’ll be a blast, hopefully figuratively and not literally. I love you to Bakersfield and back, babe. At 5pm on a Friday. That’s a lot of love! | Posted on 31/Jan/2024 05:54:34

Dylan Meyer
Dylan Meyer

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