Joe Biden Most Liked Photos and Posts

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Most liked photo of Joe Biden with over 1.3 Million likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Joe Biden
We have around 37 most liked photos of Joe Biden with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

Joe Biden Thumbnail -  Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 1.3 Million Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 1.1 Million Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 281.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 281.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 281.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 281.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 262.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 249.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 229.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 221.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 197.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 193.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 187.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 184.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 181.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 170.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 170.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 145.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 143.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 134.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 134.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 126.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 125.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 125.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Joe Biden Thumbnail - 124.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

1. 1.3 Million Likes

Joe Biden - 1.3 Million Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Thanks for the birthday well-wishes today, everyone. Turns out on your 146th birthday, you run out of space for candles!
Likes : 1341712

2. 1.1 Million Likes

Joe Biden - 1.1 Million Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Just like we drew it up, @Chiefs
Likes : 1092285

3. 281.5K Likes

Joe Biden - 281.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Earlier this year, I boarded Air Force One for a secret flight to Poland. There, I boarded a train with blacked-out windows for a 10-hour ride each way to Kyiv to stand with the people of Ukraine ahead of the one-year anniversary of their brave fight against Putin. I was the first American president to enter a warzone not controlled by the United States military since President Lincoln. When I exited that train and met President Zelenskyy, I didn’t feel alone. I was bringing with me the idea of America, the promise of America to the people who are today fighting for the same things we fought for 250 years ago: freedom, independence, and self-determination. As I walked through Kyiv with President Zelenskyy, with air raid sirens sounding in the distance, I felt something I’ve always believed more strongly than ever before: America is a beacon to the world still.
Likes : 281457

4. 281.5K Likes

Joe Biden - 281.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Earlier this year, I boarded Air Force One for a secret flight to Poland. There, I boarded a train with blacked-out windows for a 10-hour ride each way to Kyiv to stand with the people of Ukraine ahead of the one-year anniversary of their brave fight against Putin. I was the first American president to enter a warzone not controlled by the United States military since President Lincoln. When I exited that train and met President Zelenskyy, I didn’t feel alone. I was bringing with me the idea of America, the promise of America to the people who are today fighting for the same things we fought for 250 years ago: freedom, independence, and self-determination. As I walked through Kyiv with President Zelenskyy, with air raid sirens sounding in the distance, I felt something I’ve always believed more strongly than ever before: America is a beacon to the world still.
Likes : 281457

5. 281.5K Likes

Joe Biden - 281.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Earlier this year, I boarded Air Force One for a secret flight to Poland. There, I boarded a train with blacked-out windows for a 10-hour ride each way to Kyiv to stand with the people of Ukraine ahead of the one-year anniversary of their brave fight against Putin. I was the first American president to enter a warzone not controlled by the United States military since President Lincoln. When I exited that train and met President Zelenskyy, I didn’t feel alone. I was bringing with me the idea of America, the promise of America to the people who are today fighting for the same things we fought for 250 years ago: freedom, independence, and self-determination. As I walked through Kyiv with President Zelenskyy, with air raid sirens sounding in the distance, I felt something I’ve always believed more strongly than ever before: America is a beacon to the world still.
Likes : 281457

6. 281.5K Likes

Joe Biden - 281.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Earlier this year, I boarded Air Force One for a secret flight to Poland. There, I boarded a train with blacked-out windows for a 10-hour ride each way to Kyiv to stand with the people of Ukraine ahead of the one-year anniversary of their brave fight against Putin. I was the first American president to enter a warzone not controlled by the United States military since President Lincoln. When I exited that train and met President Zelenskyy, I didn’t feel alone. I was bringing with me the idea of America, the promise of America to the people who are today fighting for the same things we fought for 250 years ago: freedom, independence, and self-determination. As I walked through Kyiv with President Zelenskyy, with air raid sirens sounding in the distance, I felt something I’ve always believed more strongly than ever before: America is a beacon to the world still.
Likes : 281457

7. 262.4K Likes

Joe Biden - 262.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Jilly, you’re the love of my life and the life of my love. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Likes : 262359

8. 249.4K Likes

Joe Biden - 249.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : I made it clear from the outset of this crisis that humanitarian assistance was a critical and urgent need that had to get moving.
Likes : 249403

9. 229.3K Likes

Joe Biden - 229.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the election, but the legal path just took him back to the truth: that I won the election—and he lost.
Likes : 229314

10. 221.2K Likes

Joe Biden - 221.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : No one.
Likes : 221216

11. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

12. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

13. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

14. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

15. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

16. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

17. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

18. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

19. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

20. 218.8K Likes

Joe Biden - 218.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : A few memorable moments from this year.
Likes : 218830

21. 197.3K Likes

Joe Biden - 197.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : We will never back down from protecting a woman’s right to choose.
Likes : 197255

22. 193.1K Likes

Joe Biden - 193.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Donald Trump’s words are dangerous and unacceptable.
Likes : 193084

23. 187.9K Likes

Joe Biden - 187.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : With your voice, your power, and your vote, we can restore Roe.
Likes : 187930

24. 184.5K Likes

Joe Biden - 184.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : In his own words: Donald Trump is responsible for ending Roe v. Wade. And if you vote for him, he’ll go even further.
Likes : 184460

25. 181.7K Likes

Joe Biden - 181.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Today, in the wake of yet another tragedy, I urge Republican lawmakers in Congress to fulfill their duty to protect the American people. Work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, enact universal background checks, require safe storage of guns, and end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers. This is the very least we owe every American who will now bear the scars—physical and mental—of this latest attack.
Likes : 181654

26. 170.5K Likes

Joe Biden - 170.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : You don’t have to agree with me on everything to know MAGA extremism is a threat to this country. We need everyone on board—join our campaign by donating at the link in my bio.
Likes : 170468

27. 170.2K Likes

Joe Biden - 170.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : It was about slavery.
Likes : 170237

28. 145.9K Likes

Joe Biden - 145.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : On the 51st anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, Trump and MAGA Republicans continue to push for a national abortion ban. It’s dangerous, extreme, and out of touch. I’ll continue to fight to protect a woman’s freedom to choose.
Likes : 145943

29. 143.7K Likes

Joe Biden - 143.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Be Best.
Likes : 143673

30. 134.7K Likes

Joe Biden - 134.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Tonight’s results leave the American people with a clear choice: Are we going to keep moving forward or will we allow Donald Trump to drag us backwards into the chaos, division, and darkness that defined his term in office? Four years ago, I ran because of the existential threat Donald Trump posed to the America we all believe in. Since then, we’ve made enormous progress: 15 million jobs, wages rising faster than inflation, taking on Big Pharma and the gun lobby—and winning. But we have more to do. If Donald Trump returns to the White House, all of this progress is at risk. He is driven by grievance and grift, focused on his own revenge and retribution, not the American people. He is determined to destroy our democracy, rip away fundamental freedoms like the ability for women to make their own health care decisions, and pass another round of billions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy—and he’ll do or say anything to put himself in power. Today, millions of voters across the country made their voices heard—showing that they are ready to fight back against Donald Trump’s extreme plan to take us backwards. My message to the country is this: Every generation of Americans will face a moment when it has to defend democracy. Stand up for our personal freedom. Stand up for the right to vote and our civil rights. To every Democrat, Republican, and Independent who believes in a free and fair America: This is our moment. This is our fight. Together, we will win.
Likes : 134733

31. 134.5K Likes

Joe Biden - 134.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : There’s an expression they say in church sometimes: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Likes : 134535

32. 126.3K Likes

Joe Biden - 126.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : I said Donald Trump is willing to sacrifice our democracy to put himself in power. I wasn’t exaggerating.
Likes : 126321

33. 125.7K Likes

Joe Biden - 125.7K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Trump lost.
Likes : 125738

34. 125.6K Likes

Joe Biden - 125.6K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : I’m running for reelection because, while we’ve made progress, our democracy is still at stake. I’m running because our most important freedoms—the freedom to choose, the right to vote, the right to be who you are, love who you love—are being attacked. I’m running because our children should have the right to go to school without fear of being gunned down. I’m running because there are people banning books. I’m running because, all across America, hate groups have been encouraged. I’m running because far too often, it’s still the case that you can get killed or attacked walking the streets in America just because you’re Black or because you’re wearing a symbol of your faith. I’m running to finish the job for the American people.
Likes : 125639

35. 124.2K Likes

Joe Biden - 124.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : Good one, Donald.
Likes : 124159

36. 123.2K Likes

Joe Biden - 123.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Joe Biden Instagram
Caption : America is safer today than when I took office. Last year, the murder rate saw the sharpest decrease in history and violent crime fell to one of the lowest levels in more than 50 years.
Likes : 123224