Home Actor Volodymyr Zelenskyy HD Photos and Wallpapers March 2024 Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram - Today we have a new package of military support for our warriors from the Netherlands. By the way, the Netherlands is actively helping us with air defense, with the F-16 coalition. This year, new fighter jets will be in our skies, and we have to make this year an effective one in defending ourselves against Russian guided bombs, Russian aircraft, and their missiles. Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi, Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk, and Defense Minister Rustem Umerov held a special military briefing for Mark Rutte on the situation at the front today, on our capabilities in active operations and defense in specific areas. Of course, we also talked about Kharkiv. I am grateful for the readiness of the Netherlands to continue its assistance. This is a really powerful visit today. I am grateful to Mark personally and to all the people of the Netherlands for their support of Ukraine. The key point is that Russia must be losing, and our country must restore security together with our partners. We are doing everything for this. I thank everyone who helps! Glory to Ukraine!

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram – Today we have a new package of military support for our warriors from the Netherlands. By the way, the Netherlands is actively helping us with air defense, with the F-16 coalition. This year, new fighter jets will be in our skies, and we have to make this year an effective one in defending ourselves against Russian guided bombs, Russian aircraft, and their missiles. Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi, Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk, and Defense Minister Rustem Umerov held a special military briefing for Mark Rutte on the situation at the front today, on our capabilities in active operations and defense in specific areas. Of course, we also talked about Kharkiv. I am grateful for the readiness of the Netherlands to continue its assistance. This is a really powerful visit today. I am grateful to Mark personally and to all the people of the Netherlands for their support of Ukraine. The key point is that Russia must be losing, and our country must restore security together with our partners. We are doing everything for this. I thank everyone who helps! Glory to Ukraine!

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram - Today we have a new package of military support for our warriors from the Netherlands. By the way, the Netherlands is actively helping us with air defense, with the F-16 coalition. This year, new fighter jets will be in our skies, and we have to make this year an effective one in defending ourselves against Russian guided bombs, Russian aircraft, and their missiles. Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi, Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk, and Defense Minister Rustem Umerov held a special military briefing for Mark Rutte on the situation at the front today, on our capabilities in active operations and defense in specific areas. Of course, we also talked about Kharkiv. I am grateful for the readiness of the Netherlands to continue its assistance. This is a really powerful visit today. I am grateful to Mark personally and to all the people of the Netherlands for their support of Ukraine. The key point is that Russia must be losing, and our country must restore security together with our partners. We are doing everything for this. I thank everyone who helps! Glory to Ukraine!

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram – Today we have a new package of military support for our warriors from the Netherlands. By the way, the Netherlands is actively helping us with air defense, with the F-16 coalition. This year, new fighter jets will be in our skies, and we have to make this year an effective one in defending ourselves against Russian guided bombs, Russian aircraft, and their missiles.

Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi, Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk, and Defense Minister Rustem Umerov held a special military briefing for Mark Rutte on the situation at the front today, on our capabilities in active operations and defense in specific areas. Of course, we also talked about Kharkiv. I am grateful for the readiness of the Netherlands to continue its assistance. This is a really powerful visit today. I am grateful to Mark personally and to all the people of the Netherlands for their support of Ukraine.

The key point is that Russia must be losing, and our country must restore security together with our partners. We are doing everything for this. I thank everyone who helps!
Glory to Ukraine! | Posted on 01/Mar/2024 22:36:12

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram – Росія продовжує воювати із цивільними людьми. Нічна атака «шахедів»: Харків, Одеса, міста Сумщини. Один із ворожих дронів влучив у житловий будинок в Одесі. Зруйновано 18 квартир.

Наразі відомо про двох загиблих, ще вісім людей постраждали, серед яких дитина. Мої співчуття родинам і близьким загиблих.

Пошуково-рятувальна операція триває в безперервному режимі. Всі служби на місці. Людям надається вся необхідна допомога. Дякую кожному, хто залучений! 

Нам потрібно більше ППО від партнерів. Потрібно посилювати український повітряний щит, щоб додати захисту нашим людям від російського терору. Більше систем ППО, більше ракет для ППО – це те, що зберігає життя.


Russia continues to wage war against civilians. It launched a night attack using Shahed drones on Kharkiv, Odesa, and cities in the Sumy region. One of the drones hit a residential building in Odesa, destroying 18 apartments.

Currently, two deaths have been confirmed, with eight more injured, including a child. My condolences go out to the families and loved ones of the deceased.

The search and rescue operation continues around the clock. All services are on-site. People receive all the necessary assistance. I thank everyone involved.

We need more air defense capabilities from our partners. The Ukrainian air shield must be strengthened in order to effectively protect our people from Russian terror. More air defense systems and air defense missiles are what saves lives.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy Instagram – Харків. Сьогодні з Прем’єр-міністром Нідерландів Марком Рютте @minpres відвідали українських захисників, які проходять лікування після поранень.

Дякуємо за службу, за те, що ви робите. Пишаємося вами. Одужуйте якнайшвидше! Дякуємо нашим медичним працівникам за велику роботу – ви рятуєте наших бійців!

In Kharkiv today, Dutch @minpres Mark Rutte and I paid a visit to wounded Ukrainian defenders undergoing treatment.

We thanked our warriors for their service and what they do. We are proud of them and wish them speedy recovery. We are also grateful to our medical staff for their outstanding work in saving our warriors!

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