Alexandra Johnson

Alexandra Johnson Instagram – Lisa Hathaway has been a mentor to me for as long as I’ve been climbing. When I first started competing in Open competitions she was one of the first people to welcome me, even though I was a middle-schooler. At early Outdoor Retailers we’d practice basketball moves in the hallway between the booths of next-season’s gear. When I went through a closeted breakup almost a decade ago, I escaped to Moab to stay with her, and she was one of the first people I ever came out to. It was the most casual conversation ever.

In 2003, Lisa got the first female ascent of perhaps Moab’s most iconic boulder problem, “Chaos.” It sat without a second female ascent for almost twenty years!

Last weekend when we went to Moab, Lisa came out to the boulders to hang and spot. We convinced Melina to give Chaos a go (it wasn’t hard, it’s such a stunning boulder.) Lisa sprayed her down and Melina dispatched immediately. Lisa gave beta and encouragement, moved pads around, and then assisted on the downclimb. She then went on to express what a treat it was to watch the third female ascent get done twenty years after hers.

The treat was definitely ours; having her out there, continuing to be an incredible friend and mentor, and displaying the true spirit of the sport we all love. ✌️

@muttstagram @melinacostanza | Posted on 05/Dec/2023 22:25:34

Alexandra Johnson
Alexandra Johnson

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