Anne Rice

Anne Rice Instagram – She waited nervously in the other room. He’d told her to quit her job so she could devote herself to writing and the stack of pages she’d given him was the result. She wasn’t sure how to categorize what she’d written, wasn’t sure it would ever be published. It was transgressive and impossible to categorize, and it had come pouring out of her in a feverish rush. Finally, Stan walked into the room. He’d finished reading. He looked her in the eye and said, “This is going to change your life, baby.”
Happy birthday to the novel INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, published on this day in 1976. Love, @christopher.rice.writer #annerice #ripannerice #interviewwiththevampire #thevampirechronicles #bookstagram | Posted on 06/May/2022 05:22:48

Anne Rice
Anne Rice

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