Camille Guaty

Camille Guaty Instagram – It’s official…#DUSTER is on a hiatus until the studios come to better terms for the writers. DGA and SAG strike is around the corner. These are frustrating times for so many. Some will loose pay for months, they will lose health benefits and much more. But the fight needs to happen. The world is changing fast and studios have to recognize. We stand strong for our future and the future of the budding artists to follow. 🤍

Thank you @morganicink & @jjabramsofficial for creating something so incredible and standing up for what you believe in. I can’t wait to go back to work and say we did it! We are the little engine that could!!!

#writersguild #writersstrike #sag #DGA #standstrong #standunited #standinsolidarity #DUSTER #MAX | Posted on 27/May/2023 22:54:46

Camille Guaty
Camille Guaty

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