Carla Dunareanu

Carla Dunareanu Instagram – And just like that, he turns 1 tomorrow 😭😭😭😭😭😭

HOW DID 1 YEAR PASS SO QUICKLY!?!?!? Granted the first few months felt like they went on FOREVERRRRR. The night feedings, the sore nipples, the CRAZY hormonal drop, the hair loss, the stitches, the weight gain (and loss). It’s true when they say having a baby is a rollercoaster. But as we now make it over the 1st year, I find myself reflecting on the days and nights I thought were hardest and how, even those, are now just a memory.

When you’re in the thick of things you feel like they never end. But then you keep moving forward because there are more diapers to change, more bottles to clean, more doctors appointments, and before you know it, your baby isn’t a baby anymore. He’s interactive, responsive, funny, grumpy, excitable, strong: he’s basically a little human. And the reality of that is heartbreaking but at the same time, so incredibly beautiful. ❤️ | Posted on 02/Mar/2024 10:31:32

Carla Dunareanu
Carla Dunareanu

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