Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – Most people would be terrified to do what you do. So what terrifies you, if anything?
I fear shallow living; I fear a life of repetition without fulfillment.
I fear the conformity of a life focused on the sole scope of owning material things, a title, a position, a life that, instead of being lived, is full of “when” and “if” of wasted time and missed opportunities. Fear of a life where conformity is the norm and we live by what we “should do” instead of what we “would love to do.” I have seen so many people unhappy living the life they should have instead of the life they would love to have. So they wait when this lines up, or that will happen; meanwhile, life flows through our fingers like the water of a waterfall. I am afraid of having to “fit in” instead of being able to overflow. I am scared of empty small talk and people who can’t play like children, of keeping appearances instead of being able to wear the heart on a sleeve.

Image by @kewinlorenzen with @isotta_underwater_housings wearing @fourthelementdive mask and Lycra skin
@wdhof | Posted on 24/Feb/2024 17:38:02

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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