Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – Have you tried to google if fish, and specifically sharks feel pain?
On the internet there is a huge amount of disparete information.
It is very confusing and people claim that not having the same receptors we have makes these animals not feel pain.
But pain (for the lack of better word) is a necessity of survival, it is a warning, it is a learning step for many creatures.
Pain might not feel the same to sharks or fish, but it is present.
I have seen it first hand, many times over. I have watched these sharks struggling to keep a fish in their mouth, dive into the sand to remove the hook, suffering of long term infections caused by the lingering lines, twiching their fins trying to dislodge the embedded hooks and the pulling caused by some of them.
Direct observation of a repeated behavior, provides in this case, as many others, a more reliable information, and although sharks might not feel the way we do, they still feel their definition of pain. It is time we understand that not everyone has to be measured according to our standards and levels, as not everyone is a mammal, walking on two legs.
Image of Nacho with a residual infection left behind by a hook I was able to remove by @kewinlorenzen
@isotta_underwater_housings | Posted on 09/Feb/2024 20:28:13

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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